Friday, June 7, 2013

Kushina Uzumaki (Bonus)

Ok as promised here is a tribute to last month's poll winner Kushina Uzumaki. 
(A combination of various webfinds of Kushina and caps from Naruto Shippuuden episodes 245-249)

It's easy to see why Kushina was most voter's favorite. As a mother, she is one of the best. The type that would do anything to see her son happy.This is the woman where Naruto gets his determination and never give up spirit from. She's also the source of his hyperactivity and way with words. ^_^; While she only has a brief appearance in the anime (so far), she really makes a very big impression. A lot of anime mothers tend to have a really sweet type of personality and while Kushina is very sweet, she has a spicy side to her personality too. Her nickname in fact is the Red Hot Habanero because of her fiery disposition. This is the type of woman that would keep getting up no matter how many times she is knocked down. 

This kunoichi also really cares about her family doing anything to protect them even sacrificing her own life to protect her child and save her village. Kushina appears in the Naruto episodes 245-249 and her storyline is one of the more touching parts of the entire Naruto series. I really recommend you guys check those episodes out if you have the chance.

Ok that's basically it for tonight everyone. As always more to come soon.


  1. Nice posts =D, I'm not too fond of Kushina mostly because her face reminds me of Naruto so seeing her is like seeing Naruto so it becomes disturbing. Same thing with narutos female form never see why people liked that he's still a man. Anyway nice posts she does have nice feet, Konans still my fav naruto girl though =D. Wish Chi Chi would've won but there's no shots of her feet at all during dragon ball/z I think just one sideshot in the manga and that's it well there is a close up of her socked feet in the cell saga so I guess that counts

    1. Thanks Destiny Dueler. :-D Heh heh yeah I guess characters from the same series tend to have the same animation style and it might even be closer with Kushina because she is related to him. Konan is a great character too. Yeah Chi Chi is hot as well. It's true foot moments with her are incredibly rare. Those sound like some interesting moments to look for though.

    2. No prob, also forgot to welcome you back better late then never I guess =D, yeah that can happen I guess that's why I still like her and think she's cool though =D. Konan I can't really explain why I like her she seems depressed and I like to cheer people up and make them laugh so maybe that's why I'm drawn towards her Kushina was already happy =D. Yeah I know even during the bath scene near the end of Dragon Ball I don't think there was anything.

    3. Thanks for the welcome back wishes. ^_^ Yeah I can see Konan's depressed personality being a draw. I would love to cheer her up and make her smile too. :-) O_O At least a bath scene involving here is something to watch for Dragon ball women seem to be notorious for having rare foot scenes Android 18 and Videl are also really rare. :-(

  2. Awesome shots you posted KSC :D its nice to see an "Unpopular?" character win over others that have more "screen time"

    1. Thanks Jinto. :-D Yeah it's always good to see a rare character get attention. ^_^

  3. Another stinky footed kunoichi :D

    1. :-D Yup hardworking kunoichi mom's feet for the win. ^_^
