Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kotonoha no Niwa: Yukari Yukino

Yukari is a well-dressed young woman and the mysterious love interest of the movie. She spends her days with chocolate in one hand and a beer in the other.


  1. Wow...this series has some really magnificent close ups. Hot girl too. Awesome post Bambino. ^_^

  2. Damn it! You beat me too it!!! Nice post man. What say I follow up on this and cover what you haven't posted yet.

  3. I'm curious about what's happening in this scene. Why is he measuring and tracing her feet?

    1. He's making a pair of shoes for her.

    2. This was a sweet little love story by a director I really like. And it also happens to be a foot lover's dream because it's about a shoemaker and features some of the loveliest animation for feet we'll ever see. :D

    3. That's really neat. ^_^ Thanks for the information guys. ^_^

  4. Oh YES. I've been waiting for Garden of Words to find its way here. :D

  5. I actually bought this movie on DVD at Anime Expo, though I'm sad to say that I haven't gotten around to watching what is clearly a brilliant work of art and a brilliant story, but I shall rectify that in the foreseeable future. In any case, these caps are astounding. XD

  6. For those that both have already watched and have yet to watch this beautiful work of art *which I've just this minute sat and watched start to finish lol* you may have heard this term for this kind of movie getting passed around a lot lately and you're probably sick and tired of hearing this being labelled as such... but Dayum! "STILL A BETTER LOVE STORY THAN TWILIGHT!" XD anyways Yukari (Miss Yukino) Is a wonderful character, I felt deeply sorry for what she'd been through, how much she had suffered. I found the scene Takao was measuring her foot for a shoe to make for her was absolutely adorable! no other words can best describe it imo. throughout the entirety of the film there's the odd scene you see her doing a bit of shoe play in the Garden (in my honest opinion I think that was a part of her wanting to tease Takao when I think she was catching on to what he was doodling all the time, or maybe I'm just reading too much into it and she was just bored :P lol* anyways all in all a good anime film and a must see, I'd highly recommend it ;)

  7. Man we cannot even see these pics of her feet anymore. I hope someone reposts them.
