Friday, August 2, 2013

Garden of Words Follow Up

To compliment the pics Bambino posted a while back for said, movie, here are some pics to follow up on it. I was going to attempt to do this solo but there are literally too many foot scenes in this movie. I couldn't fit them all in on my own. Thankfully Bambino here already gave you the scoop on the lovely lady.
Here I'll just give you a brief overview of the story. Its a romance between a kid who wants to become a shoe designer and a woman he meets in school who he offers to make a pair of shoes for.

Theres still a lot more but I'm sure we'll get to them soon


  1. Awesome post Heretichero. ^_^ Wow the plot of this movie has feet as a focus. That's really cool. :-) These are really spectacular caps. Thanks very much for posting them. :-)

  2. I love Makoto Shinkai's work, and this movie is a work of art. The screencaps are in great quality, too! Can't wait to see more! ^__^

  3. By the way this movie is on Netflix
