Monday, September 16, 2013

X-Men Evolution: Kitty Pryde

Kitty possesses a "phasing" ability that allows her and objects or people with which she is in contact to become intangible. This power also disrupts any electrical field she passes through, and lets her simulate levitation. Her current codename is Shadowcat.


  1. Great compilation post. The caps are all good quality too. :)

    1. Good to see you again my friend.

      Yes, I used only DVDRips. I always try to get the best possible quality for everything I post.

    2. Yeah I've been crazy busy lately without much time to do more than lurk. Good to be back. :b

  2. Awesome post =D love Kitty and these are all great, Rogue's my favorite shame she didn't get much barefoot time

  3. Great post. Can you do Miss Vavoom from T&JK and DMD next?

  4. Just got back. ^_^ Forgot to change the tagline to something more neutral before I left. ^_^;

    Good Stuff Bambino. Really love Kitty a lot. ^_^

  5. Not bad dude. I was about to say some of these were repeats but you already covered that. Well done. I like what you've done here. Kitty is another one of these girls who doesn't get enough attention in the fetish community and I honestly think that she deserves to have more barefoot artwork done for her.
    On a side note, I'm not gonna lie when I say that Kurt was the best love interest for Kitty.

    1. You are so right about that. Kurt and Kitty were the only really likeable couple on the show. It's a shame they never actually made it official.
