Thursday, October 24, 2013

Arkham Origins: Copperhead

Arkham Origins comes out tomorrow. This game series has given us some really awesome Villainess foot scenes in the past (see Poison Ivy) and it looks like the new game will continue that trend. One of the new villains Batman will face off against is a female version of Copperhead. This bad girl is a stealth assassin with quite a few tricks up her sleeves. Naturally its difficult to be stealthy with loud footwear revealing your location so Copperhead wears a minimal amount of it. :-D
(Massive thank you to Buttman for capping this scene as well as the Sole Keeper and the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for introducing me to the character.)

You guys can see Copperhead's trailer video here:

She seems like a total badass, being able to hold her own against the Dark Knight in terms of martial arts moves. I was really blown watching her attack smoothly using a combination of acrobatic flips, submission holds and strikes. To top it off she poisoned her claws as well. This woman seems to think of everything and the trailer ending with the caped crusader at her mercy. It should be fun to see how Batman gets his way out of this one. :-)

Speaking of escapes, I'd better make mine here but as always more to come soon!!


  1. =D I saw where they changed copper head to a female instead of this
    I dunno why but she does seem a lot more badass this way haha

    1. :-D Yeah...this is the first version of Copperhead that I've seen where the character is female. I wonder if the game will explain more about her background. Should be interesting to see what they do with her.

      Yeah definitely a lot more badass. Was really impressed with how quick and fluidly she attacks.

  2. She looks awesome. >:D Can't wait for this game!

    1. :-D Yeah the game really looks like its going to be great. ^_^

  3. I was watching a friend stream it last night it looks amazing and seems to have a lot more open world events that the last 2 but i still havent finished the first game but it is weird having Alfred talking to you over the com as im used to Oracle. Now the question is what happened to Bruce over the years that made him less buff and lose that fancy new suit he has in Origins I didnt watch too much as spoilers and such

    1. O_O It sounds like the game is going to be great. :-D LOL That the downside of doing a prequel.

  4. Excellent post dude. You mde a good find with this.awesome game and awesome gal, what more could you want?

    1. Thanks Heretichero. ^_^ Gotta give a lot of props to Buttman for this one. :-) She's definitely an awesome character. :-)

  5. So awesome. ...I suddenly wanna see a Death Battle between Juri and Copperhead

  6. On a side note, Magi the anime series is on now online at so can catch the lovely Morgiana

    1. O_O That's awesome Shadowmandude...I've been wanting to watch that series for awhile now. :-)

  7. To anyone who liked Copperhead here, I just made my own pic of her here

  8. She is an monstruous witch like Poison Ivy!
