Friday, November 1, 2013

Poll 49 Results

The 49th Poll of the Month has come to an end. After an impressive 1268 are the results...
It looks like goth heroine Raven cast a spell on most of the voters gaining the majority of votes and proving that her feet are the ones that most people would like to be forced to sniff by a pretty large margin. In second place was the sexy Taekwondo fighter Juri and the goth model Misa tied for third. The rest of these all proved to have fans of their own and even the ultra rare Joan of Arc 16 voters happy to sniff her feet.

As always I want to thank everyone for voting and I'll keep your opinions in mind in the future.

Alright everyone, I know I'm a little bit behind in my posting lately but I'm trying to catch up. I'm probably going to be working a little bit on the hit list again this month knocking off a few more of those tributes you guys requested.

I'll also try to post a new poll tonight. :-) 

Have a really great weekend everyone!


  1. :-) For the own personal favorite for this poll was Juri. :-) Gotta love a dominant female fighter who shows off her toes. ^_^

  2. I voted for Joan of Arc tbh. I mean if we're talking about being forced to sniff gothic girl feet, why wouldn't I want to pick the chick who wears sexy knee-high goth boots that lock in the odor 24/7 until she takes them off? =D

  3. I would totally want to rub Raven's feet

  4. Yeah it was a tough choice for me, so many good choices, their was Misa, Ruby, Juri, Raven, Sam, and Rogue which is who I voted for =D. Just would love to take off Rogues boots, and worship those feet of her's. It would be worth havin my life forced sucked out while sucking on her toes

  5. How come Gwen from Total Drama was not on the List

    1. O_O Haven't seen that series but I googled her Garrett. She definitely is really hot. :-)

  6. There were too many good choices here. I ended up voting for Rogue because I love her, but Raven and Juri would be awesome, even though Juri is terrifying. XD

    As for the new poll, Rei ftw. Also, I must point out that Yoko is a great character but she's not a Gunmen pilot herself. :P

    1. All of those are great choices Atomic Chinchilla. :-)

      ^_^ Rei is hot. O_O Oops still need to watch Gurren Lagann. She does look really hot though. :-)

  7. Well, since Raven is the winner, I think is fitting to post these fanarts I got from DA:

    1. O_O So awesome!! Seeing Raven barefoot is great. :-D Thanks very much for these Shadowmandude. ^_^

    2. No prob, this reminds me when I made an suggestion on this blog about making a paypal donate to commission an artist to draw one character barefoot fanart.

    3. :-) That's a great idea. I'll try to add that in during the next redesign. ^_^ Would be great to commission some rare characters.

    4. I'm always open for commissions, and my prices are reasonable if I say so myself. :b I'm no stranger to foot fetish art. XD

    5. It might be some time before I'm able to do that but I'll definitely keep your artistic skills in mind Atomic Chinchilla. ^_^ In the meantime I'll plug your commission page on the site hopefully enticing people to order some artwork. :-) If you want...I can even give you access to post on the site yourself.

    6. Wow, thanks! :D I've never posted on Blogspot before, but I'm willing to try!

    7. Blogspot's posting system is pretty user friendly but if you run into any trouble with it...just let me know. ^_^ Which e-mail do you use to access blogger? I need to know it so that I can add you. Is it the same as your Yahoo address?

    8. Okay then. :) Yeah, same one:

      Thanks for this, man! Got an idea for a first post, too.

    9. Ok I added you. :-)

      No problem. Looking forward to reading your posts. ^_^

    10. So I'm working on the caps for my post. Do you think doing an introductory post showing my own art and advertizing my commissions would be in poor taste? ^^;

    11. O_O That sounds great Atomic Chinchilla.

      :-) That's a good question. I think it depends on how you present yourself. I think if you're subtle you could pull it off. I would focus the post on introducing yourself, connecting your with the viewers of the site (maybe mention some of the animes and videogames you like and that you're an artist too) and then showcase some of your artwork before gently slipping in the fact that you're available to do commissions as a sidenote using a line like "if you liked this artwork, I'm also available for commissions" followed by linking to your commissions information page.

      It's a lot of information coming at the viewers at once though. You might elect to split your introduction post and your artwork post into 2 separate posts too.

      Anyway, I hope this advice helped. Best of luck with your first post. ^_^
