Sunday, June 15, 2014

X-Men Evolution: Mystique

First up of my X-Men Evolution posts is the shape-shifting Mystique. After being exposed to Magneto's machine and enhancing her powers, she very briefly had an appearance similar to that of the live-action movies. Sadly, this was the only time she ever looked like this, since in season 2 onward she wore black leather and boots.

Bit of trivia: the creators of the show originally wanted Mystique to look like her movie appearance, meaning blue, scaly, and essentially nude (and barefoot). But KidsWB wouldn't allow it, so this is as close as we'll ever get, unless Marvel decides to make a new X-Men cartoon somewhere down the line.


  1. :-D Very Hot. Wow...I didn't see that episode. that was a really cool homage to the Movie counterpart. ^_^ Excellent find Atomic Chinchilla.

  2. Nice upload! Ever since I saw her in the 90s toon as a youngin', I've always wondered what Mystique's (deliciously blue :P) scaly feet would feel like... We'll never find out, but man, do I love seeing barefoot pics of her and wondering! Thanks Chinchilla! Can't wait to see what X-Men Evo pics you have in store next!

    1. Here's hoping that her popularity in X-Men Days of Future Past will lead to more of her.

  3. Huh. That's a neat fact about the creators wanting Mys wanting to be like her movie counterpart. Oh KidsWB.
