Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Legend of Korra: Korra (Bonus)

Update: Added in an extra scene based on Atomic Chinchilla's recommendation. (14 new caps) ^_^ 

Hot off the press. Here's a tribute to the current avatar Korra. Korra is such a tease. Every time it looks like she is about to show a nice barefoot moment in the series, I get disappointed. I've been desperately hoping for good scenes of her feet for 2 seasons now. Luckily in the most recent episode, she finally gives us some awesome shots. I couldn't resist doing an immediate tribute to her the second I saw these scenes.
Extra Scene
(These are from The Legend of Korra Season 3 Episode 8  The Terror Within. A Massive Thank You To Black Viper for Tipping me off to this scene. You really made my week man.)

Korra is the new avatar who replaces Aang. She is wickedly cool. Like her predecessor, she can control all four elements and communicate with the spirit world.  Personality-wise she is a bit of a tomboy. She can be headstrong at times but that's because she has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. Others times she can be playful. She has a fun sense of humor. She has a vulnerable side too which she shares with her friends and mentors.

I really enjoy the Korra series a lot. With the summer airing reruns, it's currently the only series that I'm watching regularly right now. (Though there are some animes I've been looking to get into.) I really recommend watching this series very much. If you seen the earlier series Avatar, you guys know what you're getting into. It a great blend of action, drama and comedy. In addition to that, the Korra series is set in a later period than when the Last Airbender took place allowing the series to have a more Steampunk feel in addition to Avatar's signature martial art/fantasy combination. Seriously...check it out if you're not watching it already guys. 

While I'm on the subject of Korra, let me spotlight some interactives that deal with characters from the series.
Avatar, Naruto and Foot Stink by Dylan M.
I've spotlighted my friend Dylan's Naruto/Avatar crossover interactive here a few time in the past. One of the newer story arcs though involves Naruto being at the mercy of female characters from the Korra series including Eska and Korra herself. It's definitely a fun read.

Shrunk on the Legend of Korra by Ghostwriter
This one is just developing but it has some nice potential for some great Gts/Foot fetish action in it. Currently there is an arc where Korra tortures Mako with her feet in it that is just getting underway.  O_O  

Those are basically the ones I've got for now. If you guys know any other good stories involving the Korra characters, just let me know and I'll spotlight them here. ^_^

Ok...I just want to apologize for not posting much lately. In addition to my real life getting in the way, (currently I'm working two jobs and taking certification training), I've been working on a lot of extracurricular projects simultaneously. One of them is my Interactive Comic Book Story (more on that in a future post) but a lot of them are behind the scenes projects for this site including a certain mascot character. ;-) There are also 3 or 4 mega-bonus sets that I've been working to organize. To my partners who been helping me put together material for those tributes (you guys know who you are), thanks for being so patient. I'm almost ready to post them.

All right everyone...that's all for tonight. Have a great weekend and more to come soon. ^_^


  1. Nice! This more than makes up for two seasons of no barefoot Korra! Well, except for kid Korra, but that doesn't really count.

    1. Yes. ^_^ Hopefully it reverses the trend and we'll get to see her feet some more in future episodes as well. :-)

    2. Indeed! Fingers crossed! :D

  2. Nice post! Now you should do young Korra in the Spirit World.

    1. Thanks. ^_^ I don't think I'll be able to cap that one though. I'm pretty loose with the ages of characters on the site but that version of her is a little too young even for me. ^_^;

    2. Alright. If you won't post it, maybe someone else will?

  3. *Ode to Joy fanfare* It's about time! XD Fantastic caps, KSC! Although there's one shot I'm sad you missed, when Lin is trying to get Korra away and Ming-Hua grab's Lin's ankle with her water arm, we see a good angle on Korra. And we also got a very brief look at barefoot Asami, too! Though sadly there weren't any close shots on her.

    1. Thanks Atomic Chinchilla. O_O I'll try to get those and update this. :-D I really want to do a follow up tribute for Asami too. She's really hot and I like her a lot. I'm crossing my fingers for a closeup of her and some barefoot scenes of Eska in the future. In any case we really lucked out this episode foot scene wise. ^_^ My head is till reeling from the episode. :-)

    2. Happy to help, boss! :D And oh man, I'm with you there on Asami. Here's hoping!

    3. Thirded! Man, all of a sudden this update became the gift that keeps on giving.

  4. No doubt barefoot Korra was the cherry of the sundae this season.

  5. Sweet Tribute. About time Korra has her "Barefoot Moment". Shame this show is Online Only now :(

    1. Thanks Stefan. ^_^ Yeah I heard about that. :-( I really wish they would keep airing Korra on television. Season 3 has been awesome so far. At least season 4 is a done deal though. We'll get to see the series to it's conclusion. :-)

  6. Kingside! It's me again! Here's a juicy tip. In the final episode of The Legend of Korra Season 3 Venom of the Red Lotus, Korra is seen barefoot in there almost through the entire episode!

    1. O_O Thanks so much Black Viper. The episode sounds like a goldmine. ^_^ I'll definitely try to cap that episode as soon as I can.

    2. Yep, Zaheer removes her shoes and roles up her pants to administer a poison to force her into the Avatar state, so when she goes berserk, it's seen throughout the entire episode

    3. And while you're at it, take a look at "The Metal Clan" Some of the dancers in there are seen barefoot as well

    4. O_O Wow sounds so awesome. Just finished download the episode. Gonna watch it!

      :-) Ok I'll try to keep an on the Metal Clan as well. ^_^ Thanks again Black Viper.
