Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century: Beth Lestrade

I'm juggling again guys. I have about 10 mega-posts in the works (some of which are almost ready to post) but I need a little bit more time. In the meantime please enjoy this ultra rare find sent in by none other than the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 himself. A tribute to the futuristic Police Inspector Beth Lestrade.
(These were capped from Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century Episode 20 The Adventure of the Deranged Detective. Thanks again for these Match. ^_^)

Sherlock Holmes fans will probably recognize Beth's last name from the Sherlock Holmes stories. Beth is supposed to be a descendant of Inspector Lestrade from the Sherlock Holmes mysteries themselves. Personality-wise, Beth has a bit of a lone wolf private detective thing going for her. She is impulsive and tends to rush headfirst into her investigations. This sometimes causes her to clash with Holmes slow and methodical style. She's not afraid to let Holmes know when she disagrees with him. At the same time Lestrade respects Holmes a lot and learns a lot from him over the course of the series. Despite her volatile nature, she is very intelligent, and an avid reader as well. She's also has a pretty imaginative mind in her own right making her a great partner for Holmes and Watson.

Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century aired during my Childhood but it was not one of the series that I regularly watched. The premise of the show was a little too wild an idea for me to appreciate at the time. I did catch an episode or two of the series though and remember thinking that this female inspector in it looked really hot. Attractive girls in leather boots are always a turn on for me. It's nice to be able see her feet so many years later. I'm told by Match the above scene is the only time we get to see her barefoot so it's a really awesome catch on his part. 

An interesting sidenote for this series is that each of the episodes are based on an actual Sherlock Holmes mystery from the stories themselves. For example, the adventure of the Deranged Detective is based on the Adventure of the Engineer's thumb.

Ok that's all for now everyone. As always, more to come soon!


  1. Never watched this show, but that chick looks crazy. Still, nice find, KSC!

    1. Thanks Action. ^_^ I haven't seen the episode myself but I suspect Lestrade might not be quite herself at the moment hence the rather psychotic looking lunge.

  2. Huh. Neat. Any idea where one can watch the episodes these days?

    1. Thank Hfar. ^_^ I wasn't the one who found this series so I'm not sure. May have to ask Match for that answer. :-)

    2. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sherlock+holmes+of+the+22nd

    3. O_O Thanks...gonna go enjoy the Deranged Detective episode now. ^_^

  3. I watched this in the mornings before school back in the day. It was...okay. Nothing great. :P But I do remember this scene for obvious reasons. XD

    1. :-) For me it aired in the early afternoons when I was a kid. I usually got back late from school so I didn't really get a chance to see it much. In those days I also tended to be more of a Disney Afternoon fan too (Gargoyles, Talespin, Duck Tales, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck etc). The shows I did watch regularly on Fox (the channel that aired the Sherlock Holmes series in my hometown) were Batman TAS, X-men, Carmen Sandiego, and Spider Man. I also really loved Power Rangers.

      :-) Yeah it does like a scene that would stick in a fetishist's memories. ^_^

  4. Just depresses me there was none of Deidre, and we see her multiple times on her bed still wearing shoes

    1. Deidre is very cute. It really is a missed opportunity. :-(

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