Monday, September 1, 2014

Poll 57 Results

Happy Labor Day Everyone!! The 57th poll of the month has officially come to an end.  After 695 votes, here are the results....
Wow this was definitely one of the closest polls I've seen on the site. I was guessing who was going to win this one right up until the end. When the smoke finally cleared looks like Reiko Hinamoto managed to pin her opponents ultimately claiming the win and proving that her feet are the ones that most people would enjoy submitting to. In second place was the DOA fighter Tina Armstrong and in third was the rare hottie Sakura Hagiwara. (I'll try to do tributes for all 3 girls ^_^) Don't feel too bad for the rest of these women though. They all proved to have foot fans of their own and none of them scored less than 24 votes.

Ok always I just want to give a massive thank you to everyone who voted and I'll definitely try to keep your opinions in mind in the future. Also a really big thank you to female submission hold expert Breakthewalls for helping me come up with wrestlers for this poll. ^_^

A little bit of a heads up for fans. This week is's 14th anniversary and they are giving away a lot of rewards this week. Not only can you get 14 times the gift points for reviewing stories but you also get additional gift points for every new author you review. I really recommend reviewing now while the payout is high. At the very least, make sure to log into your accounts every day this week. You get 1400 points a day just for logging in. I'll be reviewing stories on the site myself all week too. If you have any stories you want me to review just let me know and I'll do it for you. I'll also try to do a spotlights segment  here highlighting some of the new stories I find. :-D It should be a fun week. ^_^

Alright guys...that's all for now. I'll try to have a new poll for you guys tonight. Have a great day everyone!! ^_^


  1. I was rooting for Rainbow Mika this poll. She's really cute and I like her a lot. ^_^

    Anyway, really great voting guys. :-)

  2. =D Awesome a girl I voted for actually one for once haha, I like Reiko but I'm acutally more of a fan of Candy Cane.

    Can't wait to see what ya got planned for this month

    Also on the new Poll I voted for Faye =D the others I don't like (Mikasa) and the rest I don't know

    1. Thanks Destiny Dueler. ^_^'s nice to see a lot of people like Rumble Roses. Candy Cane is hot!!

      I'll try to get in some good ones. :-)

      Faye is a good choice. Yeah this poll is full of rare characters. I promise that next month will have some more familiar girls in it. ^_^

  3. I gotta say, that Reiko was the least likely one I was expecting to get the most votes. I was voting all the way for Rainbow Mika.

    1. It was a surprise for me too. Sakura's performance in the poll was also unexpected. She came really close to winning. If I was betting on it, my money would have been on Tina or Mika to win. I'm surprised about Jaycee too. I really expected her to do a lot better than she did.

      :-D I like the way you think. Mika is a good choice. I was really rooting for her to win as well. ^_^

  4. I couldn't decide which girl was more appealing, they were all equally gorgeous. Same with this new poll. ^^; Still, Reiko Hinomoto seems like a great choice. XD

    1. It was tricky. A lot of the woman in both of these are new to me but I was really happy to be introduced to them when me and Breakthewalls were picking characters for this poll. I never heard of Whistle Angels or Sekei De Ichiban before this but Rei and Sakura are absolutely gorgeous. I definitely have quite a few new shows on my watch list now. :-)

      Yeah...Reiko is definitely a hottie. :-)

    2. Indeed, I may have to put some of these series on my watch list, as well. XD
