Saturday, September 20, 2014

Storm Revolution Summer DLC

So Storm Revolution came out with DLC with Summer well it was Pre Order DLC from some BestBuy I was able to get it on ebay for 5 bucks so I was happy the amazing thing about this set is all the girls are barefoot in their fights so it's pretty much a beautiful Dream to play as them. Story Mode has free roam so you can run around as the girls barefoot and it may sound pervy but it's quite fun haha to do. I don't like Hinata but I included her since she's popular

TenTen is my favorite of these 4 (Konan, Kurenai, and Tayuya are my top 3 Naruto girls)
 I played in Free Roam for a bit with TenTen in this and it was quite fun =P

Then I know KSC loves Ino so I added a few more of her, the funny thing is she gets a lot of close ups of her feet in her attacks compared to the other girls, even her Ultimate Jutsu has her hop up on her feet and then foot slap her opponent, before it was just in her shoes but now you can do it barefoot and I must say she can kick me all she wants ><;

Well there ya go and if you wanna see them in action just go to youtube and Type in Summer DLC gameplay not sure if I can link to them can't remember KSC's rules on linking haha


  1. barefooter fighting ninja girls... dear gosh its Dead or Alive: Naruto

    freeroam you say, so you are saying the game is Open World... i may have to look into it

    1. Haha yeah, and I wish DOA had more barefoot Outfits but that's like one or two they have sandals which is good

      Well limited Free Roam it's a small island where a tournaments held, and you unlock more parts of the island as you go up in rank

    2. never bought DOA, but how the heck does it not have more barefoot outfits? Most of their outfits are swimsuits

    3. Well they're mostly in heels and sandals a select few outfits do have barefeet but they stick to the heels=sexy thing

    4. and how can you not like the adorableness that is Hinata. True i am more of a fan of tomboys but still its Hinata

    5. I've just never been a fan of her, she looks too much like Neji actually the other day I did get the two confused. It's something about her eyes that freak me out they're too dull looking, and then the byakugan veins make it even more creepy. I don't want to go into anymore detail and offend you haha so I'll just leave it at that

  2. Wow you just made my day Destiny Dueler. I'm going to be smiling all week long from seeing Ino barefoot and Sakura and Hinata are icing on the cake. ^_^ Talk about a great way to promote a game. ^_^ I know that I want to buy it after seeing this. :-)

    Sidenote: linking is fine as the longs as material you're linking to is PG-13 and under. ^_^

    1. You're very welcome and I thought you would =D haha. Yeah it is really they had Swimsuit DLC last game and that was the closest you could get, still hoping for something for Konan =D

      Alright I rememberd that just couldn't remember if we could link videos =)

  3. you should put more ninja storm girls on

    1. These are about all of the costumes that show a clear view of feet otherwise I would it's hard to find the character art but I will try to find a few =)
