Sunday, May 3, 2015

Poll 61 Results

Sorry the results are up a little late this month, once again I'm juggling quite a bit in my offline life. In any case, our Easter poll has come to an end and after a whopping 741 votes, here are the results...
:-D  It looks Sailor Moon eliminated her competition this time. With 187 votes she worked her way into her fans hearts and proved that her feet are the ones that most people would feel luckiest to rub. In Second place was the adorable Lola bunny and the sexy Jessica Rabbit took 3rd. As often is the case, I wouldn't feel too bad for the other participants in this poll. They all proved to have dedicated fans of their own and even the most ultra rare of these characters has people they call upon for a foot rub if they wished. ^_^ 

Ok...As always, I just want to thank everyone for voting. There were some really spectacular recommendations in this one and it great to see which characters people like.  I'll definitely try to keep the fan favorites in mind for future tributes as usual. Bambino is working on a mega-post for Sailor Moon as we speak so that should be pretty good. :-)

Alright everyone, No new poll this month. I'm just trying to keep myself together until my schedule lightens this summer (here's hoping anyway ^_^;). I'll try and continue to check in from time to time thoughout the month though. :-)

Until next time,


  1. Between the wordplay in the polling question, getting to tie in this poll with an Easter theme and a great set of attractive rabbit themed women there were to play with, this poll was a lot of fun to work on. I had a hard time deciding my own personal favorite though. Like most of you I really like Sailor Moon a lot but DC's White Rabbit is so incredibly sexy that I just had to go for her when push came to shove.

    Anyway Great Voting Everyone. ^_^

    1. I would have voted for Sailor Moon because she is awesome and cute, too.

  2. I believe I voted for Panne or Jessica Rabbit but they were all winners in my book.

    1. :-D Both nice choices. ^_^ Panne is new to me but she seems very cool. Yeah all of them are great. :-)

  3. I'm working on a huge Sailor Moon tribute, so stay tuned.

    1. Yeah I saw... I'm really looking forward to seeing it. ^_^

  4. Darnit was hoping for lola :(

    1. Lola's a good choice. She also seemed to be really popular settling comfortably into 2nd place. They really should do another movie with her or better yet make her a regular in a new Looney toons series.
