Thursday, October 15, 2015

Metal Gear Solid V: Quiet

Quiet is a mysterious woman with a variety of strange superhuman abilities. She's super strong, fast, and agile, she breathes and drinks through her skin, and she can become invisible, just to name a few. Her keen senses and skills make her a deadly sniper, and if Big Boss spares her life after their first encounter, she will join his side and become a partner on his missions. As her name implies, Quiet is unable to speak, and much of her character arc involves coming to understand her motivations and feelings. If you raise the bond between Big Boss and Quiet through the game, she becomes much more friendly with him, best shown when they share a happy moment together in the rain. If the player allows Big Boss to get really dirty and smelly during his time on missions, she will also force him to take a shower with her when he returns to base.

A great deal of Quiet's story is very spoiler-heavy, so please keep that in mind and leave spoilers out of the comments. Thanks!

Hope you like! I've got more posts lined up. Just gotta get the time to cap 'em with my new job and all. :P


  1. That glove on her left arm totally looked like a prosthetic arm at first. Also, what about the sunbathing scene?

    1. There isn't really a sunbathing "scene" so much as it's just what she does at the base. You can watch her do it and look at her feet all you want, but it's not a cutscene, so I couldn't readily find any footage of it, and I don't have the means to record footage on my own system.

  2. Haha man I was actually doing a post of her too. Quiet was going to be both of our comeback posts. That's awesome. Good thing I have a backup. Great post, man! More people got to see Quiet.

    1. If you have caps of her that I don't, like her sunbathing at Mother Base, feel free to post those! Can't have too much Quiet. XD Looking forward to what you got coming!

  3. thank goodness for blatant fanservice

    1. This is absolutely nothing new to Metal Gear. Practically every character, male and female, gets lots of fanservice. XD

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I hope someone does pics of the ahem* 'other' girl too. For clarification w/out spoilers, the one girl who asks for pictures. (Meh, who am I kidding? It'll be spoiled when it's posted anyway:) )

  6. Awesome Atomic Chinchilla. Currently skimming this posts and the comments in it to avoid spoilers in the game. I've only just started it. Looks like I have a really hot character to look forward to though.

  7. There's also Sam Greenfield from the 2022 movie, Luck.
