Friday, January 1, 2016

Poll 60/Stars Wars Poll Results

Hey there, everyone! Hope you're enjoying the New Year. I bring you the 60th poll results for Anime Feet, the winners of the Star Wars Poll I posted! Here you go!

It looked close, but it seemed that Sabine won the poll, with Ahsoka in second place. Padme came in third. I guess that the new girl of the Star Wars Show has gotten everyone going for her. I was somehow certain that it was going to be Ahsoka who would win. Ah, well, at least you all had fun doing this. Can't wait for the next poll? Neither can I, once I get an idea on what the next poll will be. By the way, any of you seen The Force Awakens? Great movie if you're a big Star Wars Fan. Hope you all had fun with my Star Wars Tribute! Until my next one, stay tuned!


  1. Cool...Did not see a Sabine Win coming. :-)

    :-) Voted for Leia myself. It was a tough choice between her, Padme, and Mara for me but in the end I just had to go for the classic.

    Anyway really nice poll Flynn.

  2. As much as I'm disappointed that Mara didn't get higher up in the poll; I'm just happy to have contributed to her entry in this blog...
