Monday, December 14, 2015

Star Wars Tribute Part 9: Mara Jade Skywalker

Mara Jade Skywalker is the wife of Luke Skywalker. After the Battle of Endor, and prior to that, Mara Jade was the right hand of the Emperor. She was ordered to kill Luke Skywalker, and that command haunted her until she went around it and killed Luke's evil clone, Luuke Skywalker. Following that, she fell in love with and married Luke, freeing herself from the Emperor and becoming a Jedi.

Mara Jade is in the top left corner.

Sorry there weren't that many, guys. I'm trying my best to find female Star Wars Characters barefoot. Some of them might be fan-art, so I hope you don't mind. I can see my poll is coming along well, and I can already tell who the winner is going to be. Only four more days until The Force Awakens comes out, everyone! I am so excited! Better get those tickets! Until next time. May the Force be with you!


  1. Mara has some barefoot moments and good sole shots in the Thrawn Trilogy Comic Book Adaptations that I saved. I'd like to share them, but I don't know where I can upload/share them to.

    1. Just send me the links. I'll get them up.

    2. Here you go, it's not much but I hope it's satisfactory

      (Link to album) -

    3. You know any other barefoot scenes of Star Wars Girls I can find? I would be very grateful if you could supply me with links.

  2. Look up, Tahiri Veila. She's a Jedi who walks barefoot because she hates shoes.

    1. Do you have any links? I can only find few shots of her.

  3. :-D Awesome!!! Mara Jade is hot!!!! Sweet post Flynn!!!
