Tuesday, January 26, 2016

NFL Rush Zone: Ash Reynolds

Ashley "Ash" Reynolds is the second member of the Guardians of the Core, and the only female, selected by the artificial intelligence supercomputer RZ 6.0, known as Richard Zimmer before his death. In the first season, she was controlled by the first villain, Sudden Death, but she betrayed him to help the first Guardian, Ish. In Season 2, she returns at the age of 11, being the kicker of the Canton, Ohio High School Football Team, redeeming herself for her actions under orders from Sudden Death. She becomes the second Guardian when a new enemy, Wild Card, rises. She is the brains of the Guardian Team, and has a widowed father after her mother died years ago. Her favorite football team is the New England Patriots.

Ash is one of my favorite characters from NFL Rush Zone. The series itself is a somewhat animated version of Power Rangers, with Ash as a Tommy-like new redeemer for the team. Ash is always confident, and headstrong when it comes to battling evil. She is very willing to improve her skills and make up for what she has done, and is very serious when it comes to fighting evil or living her social life. As the kicker of the Football Team, you would always expect her feet to be sweating. There are several ways she could make you be at her feet. If you steal her team's trophy, she'll find you without a doubt and make you clean her dirty feet. She could also use some of that deviousness within her to toy around with you with her feet. You could also give her a nice foot rub after a long game with her team winning. Hope you like this. Not exactly the Super Bowl just yet, but I did my best. I hope you enjoy this post, and all the others yet to come. Until I make my next post, I hope to see you soon!


  1. if this is still going hope she gets out of those sneakers more often

  2. You know it's tempting. But she's not my type.

  3. Man, I'm kinda sorry for her favorite team this season since the Patriots didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year.

  4. You sure do love writing about girls taunting me wi their dirty feet!
