Monday, March 7, 2016

Gate: Rory Mercury

Ok here is another interesting rare character bonus for you guys today... a tribute to Rory Mercury from the anime series Gate.

(These are from the Gate Series Episode 10. ^_^ A Tremendous Thank You to thebrickmaster96 for sending in the images for this set.)

Despite her youthful appearance, Rory is actually 961 years old. She is a demi-goddess and apostle for Elmroy the God of War. Wielding a giant ace (see image above), she is known as the reaper and the God of Death and Darkness. Needless to say she is not someone that you would want to face up against. Possessing superhuman abilities such as immortality, intense speed, the ability to heal and regenerate quickly along with the intelligence and combat skill to use them to their full potential, she is able to decimate armies. 

Personality-wise, she is friendly and nice but becomes sadistic and merciless in battle. Over the course of the anime she  develops a crush on the main characters and likes to playfully tease him. Her attempts to flirt with him are often interrupted for comic effect in the series. As part of a blood pact she made with the main character, she protects him from harm (absorbing any damage he might take in battle) in exchange for him agreeing to serve her after he dies. It seems like a good deal on his part. ^_^

Rory seems like a very cool character. I really like the gothic fashion element of her character design.
Judging from the summary of the series... Gate seems like a really good anime as well. I think the character dynamics would probably be really fun to watch and it definitely has quite a bit of action in it.

Ok that's it for now everyone. As always, more to come soon!


  1. No way! Her feet were so FILTHY! I love it!

    1. I just wish more cartoons and anime showed cute girls with dirty feet.

    2. :-) Scenes involving them are definitely a rare commodity.

    3. Totally. I just hope they all get catalogued here some day.

    4. I'll try to post the ones I come across. ^_^

    5. Good luck! I always wanna see pitch-black soles!

  2. Deadpool: I'm touching myself tonight.

  3. I always wonder why anime feet are usually so clean on characters who have gone barefoot on dirty grounds. This looks pretty cool. Except the first two pictures which only show 4 toes. Animation derp right there.

    1. Yeah it's true animators usually don't bother to take into account the effect trudging through an environment like that would have on a characters soles. Wow I didn't even notice that until you pointed it eyes. ^_^

  4. What about Rave Master episode nine. And InuYasha, inuyasha is always barefoot. InuYahsa is so sexy and hot you are forgetting anime feet, InuYasha, sexy as fuck as it gets.

  5. InuYasha, sexy as it gets so sexy and elegant
