Sunday, August 21, 2016

Wrestle Angels Survivor: Saori Saoyama

Another late night again. Today's post is another Wrestle Angels Survivor fighter Saori Saoyama aka Eagle Saori.
(Once again a Massive Thank You to Double A for collecting this images of here. ^_^ )

All of the Wrestle Angel Survivor Posts can be found using the Wrestle Angel Survivor Label Here:

Saori is another example of an energetic wrestler. She's adopted a Jungle Princess Persona in the ring complete with tribal pant. Being only 4' 10" she's sensitive about her height. It doesn't seem to limit her abilities much though and she can hold her own in a fight. Her specialty seems to to be striking moves and her finishing blow is a powerful jumping knee strike. She seems to love eating and any animal she is able to catch and cook is fine for her. She's also listed in the Wrestle Angels Wiki as falling into the Hot blooded trope meaning that she's a really passionate and can lose her temper rather quickly.

Saori choice of attire is really awesome. Following the jungle motif her choice of tribal outfit reveals a lot of her body including a sexy pair of legs.  You can also glimpse her well toned stomach with her training outfit (a combination of a really small t-shirt and shorts). The notice thing about both her outfits though is that you get to really see a lot of her feet as her footwear either leaves her heels and toes visible or she goes barefoot entirely. Hot!

Ok guys that is all for now. As always more to come soon!


  1. She is hot nice shot of her feet :-)

  2. Gotta say, her dark skin, red hair, and facepaint...totally makes me think of Rinkah from Fire Emblem Fates.
