Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sound of the Sky: Kureha Suminoya

A private and the platoon's designated gunner, Kureha is the youngest of the girls in the 1121st at the age of 14. Kureha has a strong respect for military code and obeying orders. Her parents died when she was very young and she only knows of them through stories told by others. Her father was once a respected tank commander, and because of this, she took an immediate liking to Major Claus, having believed him to be the one and only "Desert Wolf".


  1. Nice find i never heard of this anime before she has very lovely feet

  2. It's always nice to see a girl strip her footwear off! Makes one even more excited to see the adventures she'll go on!

  3. In the new Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer the playable female character can wear sandels

    1. :-D Really happy to see that the game has footwear customization for the female lead. Great find GumballW.

  4. O_O Love footwear stripping. This is a really awesome find Bambino. ^_^

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The pic here, looks like the perfect one for everyone can make their own screencap thing and have her say whatever they like, such as, "My mother has gone her entire life without wearing shoes, and now, so will I." Something like that. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JLSH6vnw9HI/V-DjpkoUqDI/AAAAAAAAF5I/9zERcUD1wjo0MIMer0MnKjEZIgPhkRLNwCLcB/s1600/%255Binshuheki%255D%2BSo%2BRa%2BNo%2BWo%2BTo%2B-%2B05%2B%255B1080p%255D%255BC1EF85BF%255D.mkv_snapshot_12.25_%255B2016.09.20_00.16.35%255D.png
