Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Spice and Wolf: Holo (Part 2)

Hi guys. ^_^ As promised here is the Second and Final half of Holo's tribute. :-D
(These are from Spice and Wolf Season 2 Episodes  0-3, 6, 7, 9-11 and the Spice and Wolf II second OVA, Once again a tremendous Thank You to Dean Lawrence for her. ^_^)

Part 1 of this Tribute:

The bulk of the caps in this set are from the Spice and Wolf II Second OVA Short which is basically an exercise video of Holo showing us how to stretch. She definitely knows how to keep her viewer's attention being barefoot for the entire lesson. At the end of the video though she admits her techniques might have a limited affect for humans because her body is different *cough* tail *cough*. Getting to see Holo go through the exercises though... I doubt anyone would have any regrets about watching her lesson

As mentioned in the last post. Holo is a great character and Spice and Wolf is a great anime. I definitely highly recommend watching it. ^_^

Ok...Some really good news... we completed a major milestone yesterday posting 100 days straight and successfully managing to post every day this Summer. :-D A big thank you to everyone for making that possible (posters, contributors, viewer... you all rock!!). Now the Marathon will go into overtime. At the beginning of the summer... I promised that this marathon wouldn't be over until I personally contributed 100 days worth of material to it. So far I've done 66 days worth of material so that leaves 34 days of posts still left to go. I'll also continue to extend the marathon for every day someone else posts on the site so chances are this marathon will still go on for awhile yet. On that note... more to come soon everyone!!



  1. I was not aware of this OVA. I must rectify this!

    And a job well done on 100 days of updates! And best of luck on your personal update marathon KSC!

    1. It a short one but fun one Hfar. ^_^

      Thanks very much. We never successfully posted 100 days in a row before so it's quite a massive accomplishment. :-)

  2. And the cuteness just keeps coming! Gotta say, regarding the OVA, hearing a girl talk about the bottoms of her feet is extremely enticing.

    1. :-D Yeah gotta love when women mention their soles.

    2. Absolutely! Of course, for some reason, I prefer the term "bottoms of feet" over "soles."

    3. :-) Maybe because the phrase has the word feet in it.

    4. Well, it's hypnotized me as a child, and still does now, far more than soles does.

    5. Ah. ^_^ It's hard to beat a childhood connection. :-)

  3. I seen a little bit of the OVA episode one time it was great :-D

    Oh KSC! don't forget about the girl who take care of the sheep

    1. :-)

      O.O Didn't manage to cap her this time around. Have to try to do a follow up for her in the future. ^_^
