Saturday, September 3, 2016

Wrestle Angel Survivor: Teddy Cat Hori

Continuing with this wave of wrestlers, tonight's post is devoted Wrestle Angel cutie to Teddy Cat Hori. 
(Once again a Tremendous Thank You to Double A for this girl)

Teddy Cat Hori is one of the Original Wrestlers right out of the first Wrestle Angels game of the series. When she looks incredible cute... she's actually a badass in the ring. She loves cuts and seems to have a lot of cat-like mannerisms herself using Nya (the Japanese Cat sound) at the end of her sentences.  Hori has mixed blood being part Japanese/Part American. Her finishing move is a Back Drop.In the end of the first game she gets married and retires from wrestling eventually she comes back later in the series. I have to say that I'm envious of her husband. He's really lucky to have a cute wife like that. 

Ok that's all for tonight.  There's a storm scheduled to hit the eastern coast of the U.S. this weekend. To my friends, family and readers affected by this. Hope everyone stays warm and safe. ^_^

Until next time everybody!

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