Thursday, September 1, 2016

Wrestle Angels Survivor: Tomomi Watanabe

Ok since I'm juggling a bit between here and this week (see previous post). I'll probably be doing some light posting this week. I'll still keep the marathon going but I'll just do the next wave of Wrestle Angels Survivor girls.  Up tonight is Julia Watanabe aka Tomomi Watanabe.
(Once again a Big Thank you to Double A for these)

Tomomi Watanabe debuts in the game Wrestle Angels 3. Her reputation in the ring is that she is "The Dancing Lady Pro Wrestler" and as that suggests, she is a dance battler. Tomomi loves the spotlight and being the center of attention focusing on being an idol to her fans even more than winning her matches. She had a particularly long Win Streak which was broadcasted to Youtube making her really popular. Her fans nickname her Tomomimania due to energetic personality. She's also a Fanservice character not being shy to show off her buxom body. ^_^ Her finishing moves are the Cobra Twist and the Stretch plum.

When I heard the term Tomomimania... I couldn't help thinking of Hulk Hogan lol. Tomomi looks like she's really cool. You gotta love an energetic dancing character. ^_^

Ok everyone... That's it for tonight.

As always more to come soon!


  1. Slightly off Topic. Her backstory is somewhat similar to the plot of Wanna Be the Strongest in the World. In that an Idol becomes a pro wrestler lol. Just jogged my memory is all. I probably talked about it before, ha ha.

    1. O_O I think I really need to check that one out.

      That plot Summary reminds me of Ayane's High Kick with sort of the opposite result. She was trying out to a pro wrestler but she didn't have the skills for it. Her trainer recognized that she would be a Natural at Kickboxing and pushes her to compete in that instead.

    2. It's a fun one. Only like 12 - 13 episodes and you really end up rooting for Diva who ends up being the underdog 9 times out of 10, I think that was her wrestling stage name anyway.

    3. Wow it seems great. ^_^ Definitely need to add it to my watch list. :-)

  2. I love the red and blue swimsuit so sexy ;-)

  3. Holo form spice and wolf has a lot of foot scenes :-D

    1. O_O I have to check that one out. Thanks for the tip.
