Sunday, October 9, 2016

Green Lantern (Power Ring): Jessica Cruz

I was at New York Comic Con this weekend so there are a lot of comic book characters on my mind. Let's tribute a few comic girls this week. ^_^ Tonight's post is a tribute to the Newest Green Lantern Jessica Cruz.
(These are from various webfinds and multiple comic book issues of Green Lanterns and Justice. Jessica actually goes barefoot in her first appearance in Justice League 30 and has a couple of scenes throughout her first arc in 31-33)

Jessica is the reason that I started reading the current Green Lantern series regularly. She's a really attractive character and with Emanuela Lupacchino regular doing the cover art for her series... it's hard not to be drawn in.The character has a rough origin. She was attacked and left for dead in an alley and it made her afraid of leaving her appartment. Her fear attracted the attention of the evil version of the Green Lantern ring from an alternate reality. It merged with her forcing her to become the new Power Ring (the Earth 3 aka Evil Earth equivalent of Green Lantern) so that it could feed off her fear. With the help of Batman, Jessica was able to gain control of the ring and use it's abilities to help people. She even became a member of  the Justice League. As Power Ring, she ultimately gives her life to protect the planet during Darkseid war but because her Sacrifice was so noble, she is ressurected as a Green Lantern.

As a Lantern Jessica possesses all the Green Lantern powers including Energy projection, energy constructs, mater manipulation, flight etc. Though new to the team, Jessica seems to have picked up using her ring pretty well demonstrating a mastery of energy projection and manipulation. She is currently partnered with Green Lantern Simon Baz in the comics

When I was reading the Justice League series and Jessica made her first appearance becoming Power Ring, I didn't expect that her role would wind up being so prominent. I thought that she would disappear after a few issue but I'm happy that she got a bigger role because she is really cute. Her Justice League story arc was very good and she seems like an interesting character. Hopefully her story arcs in her current series Green Lanterns will be just as interesting.

The great thing about her Foot scene wise is that we get a great closeup of Jessica's feet straight off the bat. Hopefully we'll get to see more of them in the future.

Ok everyone... that's all for tonight. As always more to come soon!


  1. Sunset Shimmer Legend of Everfre one in PJs another in some Hawaiian get up

    1. O.O It sounds like a must watch. Thanks for letting us know about this film GumballW.

  2. Oh wow great post Jessica is amazing =D

    1. Thanks Destiny Dueler. ^_^ Yeah I really like her a lot too. :-)
