Friday, October 28, 2016

Monster High: Lagoona Blue

Ok continuing with the Monster High character posts. Tonight's post is a Creature Feeture. ^_^ In this case it's the lovely mergirl Lagoona Blue. ^_^
Some pictures of her Doll Incarnation

Some Pics of Her Animated Incarnation

(These are a combination of Webfinds and Caps from the Monster High Movie Welcome to Monster High. Once again a Massive Thank you to the Master of Sole Shots Match25 for recommending the series and character.)

Some Bonus Content: 
Dress Up Game allowing you to take off Lagoona's shoes and select her footwear among other things.
Soccer Game involving Lagoona 
Some Lagoona Cosplay images

Like Clawdeeen, Lagoona is another teenage student at Monster High Monster, She's from the Great Scarier Reef off the coast of Australia. She's a cheerful and friendly character and very athletic enjoying swimming and surfing. In the CG movie her surfing skill transfer to land and she seems to be able to slide around it similar to the Silver Surfer making her move around really fast. She is on the monster high swim team. Lagoona is based off of a monster from an older horror film called the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I suspect that she was inspired by the Brooke Shields movie "The Blue Lagoon" as well because they chose the word as her last name.

One of the things that I really like about Lagoona is her cute Australian accent. She calls her monster friends "Mates" etc. Lagoona is also the female character who goes barefoot the most in the Monster High series. Her introduction in "Welcome to Monster High" was a really awesome scene because you get a great view of her feet almost immediately. It really highlights the detail CG animation is capable of  as you can see water and sand bounce off her soles.

Ok everyone... I wish I could say that I have some more Monster High sets for you but sadly Lagoona and Clawdeen were the only two girls who really showed off their feet in the movie so onto the next set. I'll true to post some more Halloween themed material between today and monday. 

Until Next Post Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!