Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan: Yuki Nagato

Ok a new set of tributes tonight. A series of posts dedicated to the Disappearance of Yuki anime. We're starting off this set with a tribute to the title character Yuki Nagato. ^_^ 
(These are from the anime... The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan.A Tremendous Thank you to Double A for sending in all these pictures/caps ^_^)

The Haruhi series is another set of animes that I really want to watch. We've done a couple of posts dedicated to the series in the past and there are quite a few really attractive characters in the anime. 

The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan is a spin-off anime to the Haruhi Anime series which takes place in an alternate reality,  The focus is shifted to Yuki Nagato (the cute girl this tribute is dedicated to). 

Yuki is a really nice character. She is a shy introverted girl who is very intelligent and loves reading. In the Haruhi universe Yuki is revealed to be Alien. In the Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan universe however she is a normal girl. In both cases she has a computer like mind that is able to do really advanced calculations. Awesome!!

Ok everyone... That is all for tonight. As always though more to come soon. ^_^


  1. Awesome post KSC I really love this character out of all the girls in the showe she is my favorite can't wait to see who next :-D

    1. Thanks very much Dean. ^_^ I like Yuki a lot too. She seems like a really cute girl.

    2. So true if she was really i do a all of sexy things with her feet

    3. :-D Yeah I think she would be really fun to play with.

  2. Wow! I didn't give Yuki too much thought, but she has a really cute pair, especially in the shots where she's exiting the door! Do Haruhi, Mikuru, and Kyon's little sister have any foot focus like this?

    1. :-D Yeah she does have a cute pair of feet. ^_^ Love those shots too. I still have to watch this series myself but I can vouch from the caps that were sent in that two of those 3 characters have scenes.

    2. Very nice to hear! Hopefully, the third girl can be capped.

  3. I think Yuki Nagato is the cutest on the show
