Friday, November 18, 2016

Fairy Tail: Wendy Marvell

Ok... The last set for this wave of Fairy Tail posts is a mega-post dedicated Wendy Marvell. This one is a much more thorough set than the last two Fairy Tail tributes because I was watching episodes specifically recommended for her. By the time I had finished with this set there were about 400 images involving her. :-D Enjoy guys!  

(These are from Fairy Tail series episodes 69 and 176, 209, 213 and the Fairy Tail 2014 series episodes 27. 68,77.  Tremendous Thank yous to Dean Lawrence for identify episodes with good material for Wendy and Venom for sending in material for this character. A special thanks to Marco for recommending her.)

Some Bonus Artwork for her:

Was there any good material for her that I missed?

Ok... Wendy is a Sky Dragon Slayer. She was originally part of the Cait Shelter guild but joins the Fairy Tail guild later on. She has an Cat-like companion named Carla who is always with. A shy and polite girl, Wendy develops more confidence in herself as the Fairy Tail series progresses in part because of the strong friendships she forms with her fellow Fairy Tail Guild members.

Though she is very young, Wendy is a powerful character being able to use Sky Dragon Magic. She can do a variety of spells ranging from healing and defensive support spells to devastatingly powerful attack spell. A lot of Wendy's spells draw power from the wind which she appears to be able to use to power herself up as shown in some of these caps. ^_^ In additional to that Wendy is trained in Hand to Hand combat and has enhanced physical abilities such as having keener senses than the average human, better reflexes and increased durability. She's really strong for such a small girl.

Wendy is a very cute character. She's also very heroic. One of the episodes I saw had her willing to sacrifice her life for her friends. Like a lot of the characters in Fairy Tail. She is willing to keep pushing herself even when the odds are heavily stacked against her and can find the strength within herself to succeed in her goals. There is really a lot to admire about her.

Ok everyone... That finishes this Fairy Tail sets for now. I definitely hope to post more from this series in the future though. :-) As these tributes prove the series has a lot of beautiful women and barefoot moments to offer.  With the current wave of tributes complete however... I'm going to take a little bit of time to rest up a bit. I'm going to be travelling for the first couple of weeks in December so I have to get ready for it. I should be back by Christmas though and I'll try to pop on the site to wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving if not get in a couple of posts before I leave.

Anyway, Thanks so much for visiting the site and reading guys and as always more to come!


  1. Wendy is so adorable i do wish that they show her grown up and barefoot that would be great to see.

    Awesome post KSC ^_^

    1. :-) Yeah that would be really awesome.

      ^_^ Thanks very much.

  2. How very cute! With this, you've covered my three favorites!

    1. :-) Great... Happy to complete a wish list.

    2. No prob, man! Here's hoping the loli cuteness continues!

  3. I have a special girl for you KSC her name is Aria she has seen on episode 2,3,4,6,8,11,and 12 from sacred Blacksmith

    1. O_O Really cool. Will try and get her. Thanks very much for her Dean.

  4. Thank you KingsSideCastle, Wendy is my favorite girl of FT and like to see her here, Thanks!

    1. :-) No problem Marco. Really happy that you like the post.
