Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Neon Genesis Evangelion- Misato Katsuragi 2

There was an older post back in January 2016 but there images missing so I added em, Misato Katsuragi is one of the main characters from the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise. She is the operations director at NERV, initially with the rank of captain; she is later promoted to major. In Rebuild of Evangelion, Misato's initial rank is lieutenant colonel. Her duties at NERV include acting as a field commander for the Eva pilots, issuing orders and relaying battle strategies as well as processing input from Ritsuko Akagi and the technicians monitoring the Evas. She also handles many bureaucratic aspects of NERV's operations.


  1. It's weird how she act all professional during a mission, but gets super lazy and becomes a slob when she's off duty.

  2. Replies
    1. Just be glad someone here is posting stuff unlike the other few people here

  3. Im have a shit ton too post to you know -_-

  4. But if this blog dies where will all the anime feet content be?

  5. Everyone calm down. The veteran have been here way longer and won't be going anywhere. We simply have to accept there isn't that much new content in general to harvest. Gumball is doing well save a rather smug attitude JUST now :p so thanks gumball n.n

    1. We are so n9t going to touch that. You made your choice n.n

    2. Your words. They hurt. Oh wait. No they don't. :p you got anything better besides that cuz your a real one trick pony when it comes to trying to be snide. :/

    3. Can someone silence bambino. He was amusing at first but now he's like yesterday's news. Old and outdated. :)

    4. Can someone silence bambino. He was amusing at first but now he's like yesterday's news. Old and outdated. :)

  6. Oh here it come back the homophobic idiot.

    Sorry but I have no other way to define Bambino.

  7. Also is really mature going away deleting all posts and complain if someone post images back

  8. I do wish you bakas would stop ignoring me -_-

  9. Seriously what part of I'm trying to post here but I lost the link to the practice page king gave me and hasent replied back does no one understand -_-

    1. I feel you man I'm be ignored as well I all good idea for foot scenes but no one really listening to me the only one who did was KingSideCastle I wish he comes back and stay

    2. I've been busy, I work, I'm the one posting stuff, what more do these guys want? I know keychain wants to contribute stuff but I don't know how to make him a contributor

    3. I didn't mean that towards you i mint when Bambino was posted

  10. Whatever happens I'll always support this blog forever :)

  11. http://cartoonfeet.blogspot.com/
