Thursday, July 20, 2017

Minami-ke: Chiaki Minami

Chiaki is the youngest sister in elementary school. She is in class 5-2 (a reference to Kyo no Gononi). Her apparent high intelligence often makes her overanalyse simple stuff. She also tends to ignore idiotic behavior displayed by Kana and Makoto. Even being the youngest, she is the meanest out of the three; most of the time, she is quiet during group activities, and almost always uses the word "bakayarō", which is a more forceful form for "idiot" in Japanese ("baka" being the less forceful term).


  1. wish she got more attention, she was more interesting

    1. Luckily this is the last Minami-ke post i'm now currently working on a 2nd Olivia post from Pokemon Sun & Moon because so far she's appeared in every episode since her debut may be up in a couple weeks depending on future episodes whether or not we get good foot shots or not and of coarse getting as much Lana as I can for future posts, still hoping she removes those sandals and hoping to get more of Lillie and Mallow but we just have to wait and see.

    2. Well there be some of Lillie mom when she show up to.

  2. Well yes or no damn it just a question

    1. Look I work at 9:00 in the morning and I get home at 2:00 in the afternoon during that time I'd like to relax so forgive me if I don't have time to answer questions and I'd appreciate if you make a comment on my latest blog don't ask about a previous question ok. As for that character you suggested I can find anything on her I'm sorry but I have to get at least one post a day here if I'm going to keep this blog going. Just today I had to sit through 52 episodes of horrible show just to get foot scenes for tomorrow's post. I'm not snapping at you nor am I mad with you but cut me a break.

    2. It's not just you i ask questions to there people and they don't respond to me when I first came to this i came to make friends we love anime girls feet and the only friend i made not here:-(

    3. Ok I'm sorry it's just really hard running this blog by myself

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.
