Monday, July 31, 2017

Watamote: Tomoko Kuroki

She's bad at talking with people, nonetheless she wants to have friends and even a boyfriend. Unfortunately, her appearance, shyness, social anxiety, and lack of experience in communicating with everyone but her own family doesn't really help Tomoko make things better. She finds entering high school as an opportunity to change her life and make a lot of friends, so she keeps trying to do everything to gain attention of her new classmates. To no avail because she doesn't follow through with her plans and would often end up procrastinating.


  1. tried to get into this series but didnt like it, she is cute though

  2. This show was really funny i like watching it she is cute

  3. I love her. She's like the female version of me

  4. I need to watch this series. It's on my Crunchyroll queue, but I never got around to it, even though I probably should.
