Sunday, August 27, 2017

Comment Moderate

Just to update. Due to the fact I can't block Bambino or Bambino under the name of Trony, and their vile disgusting comments are doing nothing but causing problems to the polite members of this group. I have just changed the settings to where comments will have to be approved from now on.

Rest assured. I will 99% of the time just push the comment through as soon as I can and will mainly use this just to stop Bambino or Bambino under the name Trony from leaving comments on this blog.

After a certain date yet to be determined I will most likely return the settings back to full open.


  1. Are you sure that sounds like a good idea Match25

    1. I am at the end of my rope on this. I can't block him and all that he does is cause the comment sections to be swarmed with insults rather than praise the lovely beauties that are posted

  2. That's great but I wouldn't provoke them

  3. Same trolls will always be trolls :(

  4. Can someone explain to me what his deal is?

    1. Bambino and Bambino using the name Trony just constantly attacks the people posting on this blog because he is butt hurt he was kicked off of it despite given waaaaaaaaay to many chances to clean up his act and even given a second chance which he blew within a week

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Again... I'll continue to leave this comment no matter what, until you stop deleting it, or until you edit this thing that is causing misunderstandings.

    I'm not Bambino, it's a shame that everyone not being at your side is Bambino for you. All I want is you to stop posting old material from other sites like the the animefeet wiki, that is making this blog pointless.

    1. It doesn't matter whether you are Bambino or not Trony.

      The ultimate goal of this blog is to post every single foot scene involving female characters out there. You'll see a lot of new stuff here too but you'll see stuff that you've seen on other sites as well. The point of this site is to make foot scenes popular. We encourage people to share the material posted here and we'll share foot scenes that other people have shared with us too. Every time a female character removes her shoes... we will try to cover it.
