Friday, September 15, 2017

Black Cat: Spiderman the Animated Series

Edit: 9/18/17 Added a bonus glimpse of Felicia's heel recommended by Chris Cannon. :-)

Hi guys. As mentioned last week I've been working on updating my Comic Book interactive story lately (20 new chapters in the past couple of weeks). One of the storylines that I've been updating recently is a GTS story arc involving Felicia Hardy aka The Black Cat.  Writing about the character left me crushing on her pretty hard so lets do a mega-set for her. This is part 1 of a 3 part Black Cat tribute. Today's post focuses on her animated incarnation from the 1994 Spiderman Cartoon Series.
 (Felicia's barefoot scene come from the Spiderman the Animated Series Season 4 episode The Vampire Queen. A big thank you to Mask Greene for being the one to tip me off to this scene.)

I actually did one other tribute to Felicia in the past way back in the Early days of this site:
Felicia makes an appearance in the animated series earlier on in her civilian identity. She's comes from a rich background and tends to be sort of snobby. A couple of the earlier episode featuring her had Peter Parker (Spiderman) try to date but she usually shoots him down pretty fast.  She does come off as very intelligent with a sharp tongue to match.

In Season 4 more of Felicia's background is revealed. She's the daughter of a famous cat burglar. She becomes the Black Cat in order to help her father who was kidnapped by the the villain the Kingpin. This version of Felicia gets her powers from a modified version of the Super Soldier serum (the same formula that gave Captain America his powers). It gives her the power to hide her identity so when she transforms into the Black Cat, she gets taller, stronger, and her hair changes color. She has a lot of Captain America's power set including Superhuman-Strength, Speed, Agility, and a Healing factor that allows her to recover from attacks really fast. In addition to that, Black Cat received training in Cat burglary and martial arts training from her father so she has the stealth and fighting skills to use her powers to their full effectiveness.

Ok guys. More Felicia to come soon. 

Your Friendly Neighborhood KingsSideCastle


  1. The best looking Black Cat from the cartoons.

    1. Btw,in case you didn't know, I remember having another good shot from one episode.

    2. O_O Which episode? Would love to see that?

    3. Sorry for the late reply, Episode 43

      After watching it again, not sure if it will count but it's up to you.

    4. O_O Wow going to check it out now. Thanks so much Chris.

    5. Watched and liked the scene. I'll edit it into this post. ^_^

  2. Great post KSC not what i expect but i do love. ^_^

    1. :-D Thanks. I'm still working on the project you recommended too.

  3. Great gallery of this lady. She looks very cute and sexy in that blue towel.

  4. Nice post Felicia is an amazing character. What is it about Cat characters XD Selina and Felicia are amazing.

    1. I don't really like Felicia to me she doesn't really have good foot scene but that's my opinion.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    5. I think we can all agree that it would have been really great if Felicia showed her feet in the cartoon more often. :-)

    6. Thank you KSC.:-)

      Destiny Dueler is always trying to start trouble with me all i said was my opinion one of these days i'm going to say something that i will regret GumballW should no what i mean. I said something to Bambino and i really regret saying i.:-(

    7. Sure. :-)

      I think you both are just passionate about the characters that you like. ^_^ I don't think either of you wanted to fight.

    8. Your right i don't want to fight with him but he makes it so difficult i try to be his friend but he didn't care.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Deleted my replies and messaged you somewhere KSC

    12. Ok guys both of you seem to want to want to get along. I think it was just a misunderstanding. Let's start fresh and just move on from this point.

    13. What did he say about me. What do you mean i'm so lost.

    14. I think it was just a misunderstanding. You guys just liked different characters.

      Both of you are cool people. ^_^

  5. Felicia Hardy, beautiful,sexy,both as herself and as Black Cat. I mean she had lovely curves,if you know what I mean.
