Thursday, September 14, 2017

Gamers!: Chiaki Hoshinomori

Chiaki is a shy girl in Karen's class who does not seem at first to care much about her looks. She loves playing games and even develops her own games under the alias "Nobe," but does not socialize much. While she and Keita seem to have twin-like similarities and are unknowingly online mates in a particular social network game, they absurdly clash in real life over their opposing views concerning the perspective of putting moe culture in video games. GIFs created by Serashikoki of Deviantart.


  1. Nice!!! This anime has some great foot scenes. :-D She seems like a really cool character. Gotta love a female gamer.

    1. I haven't seen a new post from you yet :-(

    2. A little bit behind. Still catching up, juggling and organizing some projects. Will do a new post either tomorrow or Saturday.

    3. I hope it's something good. I'm so pumped up with excitement ^_^

    4. Female gamers barefoot like this are a treat for us foot fans.

  2. There should be more Gamers! screenshots. I know there's one with her and her younger sis.

  3. and there's the one that Chiaki lies down flat on her back showing her bare feet
