Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Metal Fighter Miku: Miku

Metal Fighter Miku is a mid nineties anime about women wrestling in power suits to enhance their abilities.  Miku is a young and upbeat member of a wrestling team called the pretty four.  She hopes to one day dethrone the current champion Aquamarine.  Both Miku and Aquamarine struggle with  plateauing as wrestlers until Miku discovers they have surpassed their suits, and are now better off with out them.  

The other members of the Pretty Four are: 
Ginko, the reddish-brown haired tomboy. 
Nana, the smallest member with a bow in her hair. 
Sayaka, the bluish haired one.
And Yasunari, the blonde alternate member of the group; seen here helping Miku move a bed, and also wrestling Miku.
