Saturday, September 2, 2017

Teen Titans (2003): Terra

Terra was a former member of the Teen Titans, whose role as a hero or villain is complicated. Until the episodes Aftershock - Part 1 and Part 2, she was confused and insecure, only wishing to be a heroine and a friend of the Teen Titans. However, she was led astray by Slade, who tempted her by promising her that he could teach her to control her powers, in return for her unwavering loyalty and devoted apprenticeship.


  1. we finally got a girl in this show to go barefoot and yet sadly no real detail. So would have paid to have seen Raven go barefoot for an episode

    1. She did in Wavelength but she was too far away to see the details on her feet

    2. yeah i know, we get a nice close up just as she puts the boot back on. such a missed shot

  2. Replies
    1. Anyway I saw your Poison Ivy post and if you love Plant Girls you should check out my 2 Princess Amalia posts. And with a 3rd season coming out you might see more.

    2. :-D Sounds really awesome... I'll check them out GumballW

  3. No Sixth season to resolve the series and Terra is still turned the stone 😢

  4. Sadly I'm not much of a fan of Terra

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