Friday, October 6, 2017

31 Days of Halloween: Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)

Enid is the most responsible of the main trio. She tries to use logic and critical thinking to make rational decisions. And despite showing NO characteristics whatsoever she's a half vampire, half werewolf hybrid due to her mom being a vampire and her dad being a werewolf. I guess our only hint so far is her ability to suck people's souls but that's about it for the time being. I'm hoping she'll eventually get a superpower where she can become a Vampire Werewolf at will and gain a temporary power boost, That would be awesome.


  1. dont like the lazy artwork of many of todays cartoons

    1. Yeah, everything's all whacky now.

      We no longer have normal or semi normal looking character models anymore, especially when it comes to action cartoons which almost extinct at this point.

    2. I wouldn't call it lazy. It is just that nowadays a lot of Networks do not want to spend a lot of many in Animation because it is to much expensive.

    3. That explains a lot.

      I bet it wasn't too expensive as it wasa few years back for certain Networks though, and a lot of them clearly don't have as much money as they used to.

      It's sad really, for me anyway.

    4. It's not lazy it's just trying to do a unique style of animation and not copy others

  2. Replies
    1. I just can't see this character as a Halloween theme P.S do you think i'm just like Bambino yes/no

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The animation reminds me of Mighty Megaswords. Nice post Gumball.

  4. Thank goodness for Fanart
