Saturday, October 21, 2017

31 Days of Halloween: Hisako (Killer Instinct)

Hisako is an onryō, a Japanese spirit that has been pulled from purgatory to take revenge on the living. An onryō is what can be considered a typical Asian horror film monster, possessing long black hair, pale white skin and her eyes are dark and sunken. When she screams it can be noted that her mouth grows inhumanly large, and it has several rows of razor-sharp teeth inside. She wears a tattered rose pink kimono with white flower decals and a red obi sash around her waist. The bottom of the kimono has been torn off at the knees for easier movement, and the top of the kimono hangs loose around her shoulders. She wields a naginata with a red ribbon tied around the blade which belonged to her father before his death. She has bare feet that are caked with mud and dirt, and on her left hand she wears some sort of golden trinket. She always has a faint aura of darkness around her that resembles ashes and embers. When her Wrath Meter is full, she "jitters" and distorts the space around her with a ghastly green tinge, making it appear as though reality is shifting and "glitching" like an old video recording (possibly a reference to "Ringu", a J-horror classic).


  1. O_O Wow played the series in the past but I'm not familiar with this character. She seems really cool though. :-)

  2. Oh hell no she gives chills down my spine if we could see her human that would be nice to see her feet but like this i just can't.

    Hey GumballW did you see KSC news post.

    1. What you don't like or something just asking.

    2. Oh okay that's just rude dude i just asked a question and could just give me a yes or no answer. :-(
      Wow just wow
