Monday, October 2, 2017

Anime Feet Foot Master Challenge #3: (Halloween Edition)

In Honor of Halloween I have 2 Special Challenges for you this month... The first is the Classic Foot Identification Challenge with a twist...all of the Feet are Halloween Themed.

Sure you claim you're an expert on  Supernatural Woman's  Feet. You seen all the foot scenes involving Succubi out there. You've worshiped the feet of several female vampires in your lifetime. You've given foot rubs to many a cute Witch. You may have even tracked down where the few female werewolves on the blog are located. But...can you identify these characters from their feet alone? Now's your chance to prove your skills... Below are 20 Halloween themed women's feet from past tributes. Can you identify who they belong to?


2) --------------------------------------------------------------

3) ---------------------------------------------------

4) ------------------------------------------------------------------

5) -----------------------------------------

6) ----------------------------------------------

7) ------------------------------------

8) --------------------------------------------------

9) ----------------------------------------------

10) -------------------------------------------------

11) ----------------------------------------------------------

12) -----------------------------------------

13) -------------------------------------------------------------------

14) ------------------------------------------

15) --------------------------------------------

16) -------------------------------------------------------------------

17) ------------------------------------------------------

18) -------------------------------------------------------

19) -------------------------------------------------

20) ---------------------------------------------

Ok everyone... I know this is probably one of the harder challenges on the site. If anyone is able to get all 20 characters, I'd be really really impressed. I'll probably post some hints for each of the characters later on but for now let's see how far everyone can get on their own.

Good Luck Foot Fans!!!


  1. 5. Medusa (Soul Eater)

    19. Layla (Aladdin)

    15. Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High)

    11. Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)

    13. Lagoona Blue (Monster High)

    2. Riza Wildman ( Princess Resurrection)

    7. Moka (Rosario + Vampire)

    1. Wow impressive. O.O Almost perfect identification. 19 is the right series wrong character. The rest are spot on.

    2. I just figured Layla because of the fact she was a werewolf

    3. Yeah it was close. On the right track but different type of Supernatural being. ^_^

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 3 and 14 are Succubi. 18 and 20 are witches. 12 is a vampire

      O.O I forgot. I'll try to get her this month.

    2. I think i got some of them.
      2)Riza Wildman
      10)Masane Amaha
      13)Lagoona blue
      14)Kurumu Kurono
      15)Clawdeen Wolf
      16)Hime Hiyorimi and her sister Sherwood Hiyorimi
      20)Hay Lin

    3. Wow more than some. :-D All the right answers too. You're the only one who has gotten 3 so far. Awesome!!!

    4. Pretty sure he just looked at everyone elses XD

    5. It's just for fun. :-D I can vouch that Catherine was all him though. ^_^

    6. No i was looking very hard to figure out who they were thank you very much. I'm sure he looked at everyone else.

    7. Lol considering I posted before most people Dean that doesn't make much sense. Not to mention you deleted your original post and then posted later after everyone had posted most of their answers so I don't believe you. Though as KSC said it is for fun.

    8. For your information I'm first comment i ask for a hint but i said the wrong word that way I deleted it so believe what you want you. I didn't fucking copy other people guess. Lol and did you forget are comment take a long time to pop up so stop be a jerk. Your just like Bambino

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. No you weren't the first to comment. Actually they don't take any time to pop up, mine appear right away. So either you have a bad connection or you're lying, I'm leaning toward the latter.

      Sure sure lie however you wish. Gumball was the first to comment by an hour, so you are lying your new comment wasn't posted until almost everyone else had posted. So the evidence stacks against you. Then your post at 6:30 was deleted then I posted mine at 6:30 then your new post wasn't until 10 that night and everyone but 3 people posted after you.

      Also no you are the one like Bambino you always cry and whine and it's always others people fault then you say it's "My opinion" to try and hide behind your BS. I voiced my dislike for a character once then you kept coming and commenting on me then when I got onto you, you'd cry and go "My opinion" well your opinion means squat when I bring facts to the table and you can't do anything but say opinion.

      So who's more like Bambino? Me who posted I disliked a character a few times and never even brought you into the conversation. Or you who got so irritated by me expressing my opinion that you felt the need to stalk me on every post I made and comment the exact opposite of my opinion? That sounds more like him then me, who's calling you out on your behaviour, stop playing the victim card.

      So get over yourself Dean, and stop whining and hiding behind your "Opinion" whenver someone disagrees with you. Not everything is an opinion, even though you like to try and claim it's so.

    11. It's unlikely either of you cheated... not that it matters anyway since it was just for fun.

      You are actually both right about the comments... sort of. The reason why your comments appear right away Destiny Dueler is because you're an author for the blog so the comment appear instantly without getting screened by moderation. Regular comments take awhile to appear

      The comment that Dean deleted was asking for hints so it seemed like he was trying to solve these on his own.

      I also know that Since Destiny Dueler was the second one to attempt this challenge that he didn't cheat as well.

      As far as I'm concerned nobody cheated and there's no reason to fight over this.

      You are both cool individuals... stop arguing over something so minor.

  3. 2) Riza easy to tell cause of the pants

    4) I believe is my beautiful Snake Princess Hancock

    7) Moka the bats and the henshin scene

    9) It's that chick from XXX Holic can't remember her name um Yuuko?

    12) Is my beautiful red haired tsundere vampire Kokoa, I know that scene so well XD

    13) Draculaura?

    14) Either my amazing Ice Empress Mizore or the equally beautiful Succubus Kurumu

    16) Lilianne von Phoenix/Hime

    19) Jasmine from that one episode where reality was warped?

    1. Wow sharp eyes. A lot of great identifications particularly with the Rosario + Vampire girls

      2, 7, 9, 12, and 16 are spot on.

      For 14 the latter is correct. :-D

      4 is a good guess based on the polish but wrong

      13 is the right series wrong character.

      19 also the right series but wrong character.

      Really good though. I don't know if I would have been able to identify Kokoa right away like that.

  4. I only recognize the fourth as Evangeline, the fifth as Medusa, the sixth as Felicia, and the eleventh as Kiki. Good luck to all the others!

  5. 1. Morrigan (Darkstalkers

    2. Riza Wildman (Princess Resurrection)

    4. Evangeline (Negima)

    5. Medusa (Soul Eater

    6. Felicia (Darkstalkers)

    7. Moica (Rosario + Vampire)

    8. Pixie Stix (Monster Rancher)

    10. Masane Amaha (Witchblade)

    11. Kiki (Kiki Delivery Service)

    12. Kokoa Shuzen (Rosario + Vampire)

    19. Sadira (Aladdin)

    20. Hay Lin (W.i.t.c.h)

    1. Wow Hardcore Shadowmandude. Correct on all of the above. O.O

    2. Thanks, some were a bit challenging, but the easiest one that I can recognize was Hay Lin's feet, my fave W.i.t.c.h girl and one with the cutest feet with the cutest face.

    3. :-D She is a great character. It is really nice that they gave her a good closeup.

  6. 17 is probably Alexia Ashford from Resident Evil.

  7. I am guessing the 17th to be Alexia Ashford from Resident Evil Code Veronica.

  8. #18 is Robin from Witch Hunter Robin.

    That is the only one I know that hasn't been answered yet. That is if I'm right.

  9. You guys already solved this but here are the answers as well as rankings for the challenge guys. ^_^

  10. This site needs to have automated mods its lots quicker
