Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Catwoman Megapost Part 3: New 52 Catwoman

Ok today's post will cover  Catwoman's New 52 incarnation. :-) When DC launched the new 52, it gave Selina her own ongoing series that ran for coincidentally 52 issues (plus a 0 issue special). 
Right from the Issue #1... it was a good sign that there would be a lot of foot scenes in this. ^_^
The first few story arcs for this series were written by Judd Winnick and Guillem March.
Wish I could be the one massaging her. ^_^
This series actually wasn't the first time Guillem March drew the character. He also did the artwork for the Gotham Sirens Series.
We should get a Kick Count Going again ;-) Selina winds up using her feet quite a bit in the series.
I think the early issues of this volume tended to a little too violent for my taste.  
On the plus side Selina was barefoot a lot. ^_^
Kick Count = 4.
Kick Count = 9
Mob Boss Selina

Tying in with events of the comic series Batman Eternal, Selina would up taking control of the Gotham underworld. During that period, she stopped wearing her Catwoman costume so we were treated to a lot of scenes of her wearing heels. ^_^
Being the bad girl she is, Selina winds up using domination techniques a lot. ^_^
In addtion to her claws, she has her whip to back her. ^_^;
Kick Count = 12
You really need to read the Dialogue bubble in the above cap. ^_^
I posted a lot of Selina's domination scenes this tribute but she has so many they would overwhelm the foot scenes here. I might post the rest of them as some extras on Footnotes later though.
Kick Count = 14
During Selina's time as a mob boss, another character took on the role of Catwoman. I probably will cover that character in a future post because she has some barefoot scenes as well. šŸ˜ø 
Kick Count = 17
DC had a special Month long event for all its comics known as Future's End. It provided a possible  future for its New 52 characters.  
Selina's Future End Issue showed a possible outcome for Selina's mob storyline.
In it she fakes her own death and steals enough money to retire comfortably under an Alias identity.
Other Arcs
In the actual DC New 52 Continuity though Selina returns to being Catwoman. The arcs following the Mob Boss storyones were actually a lot of fun,
Kick Count = 25
Similar to the Jim Balent series Catwoman wound up participating in a lot of criminal heists and fights.
Kick Count = 32
Kick Count = 36
Sonic Kick brings the Kick Count to 41
Kick Count = 45
These caps came from a tie in to the Batman storyline Gothtopia
My favorite storyline of the volume was called the Race of Thieves which involved Catwoman taking on the villainess Roulette in a criminal showdown. :-)
Ouch!! Kick Count = 50 
Artwork from Adriana Melo from Catwoman Issue #0
The Final Story Arcs
The last set of Story arcs for the New 52 Catwoman were written by Frank Tieri with Artwork from Inaki Miranda. The cover above was printed for the final issue and was modeled on the series' first issue. It was a nice throwback. ^_^
In general the last arcs in the series were pretty fun. They had a good amount of action and some interesting storylines. There were also some cool easter eggs like Catwoman asking if she looked like Michelle Pfieffer in the image above. :-D
Kick Count = 53
If you're not familiar with the outcome of the Batman Story Endgame, Commissioner Gordon wound up taking over for Batman for a short period of time using a Mechanical Batsuit. He wound up fighting Catwoman in her series resulting in a Prison stint for Selina. 
She of course manages to make her escape. ^_^
Final Kick Count = 56
(Most of these scenes can be found in the Catwoman series Volume 4. Special Thank you to the Master of Sole Shots Match25 for helping me to collect scenes from Issue #1)

I sort of covered most of the series with my Caption notes. In general the New 52 incarnation of Selina had some great storylines and her series was a good read. While I like Vol #2 take on Catwoman a bit more (see previous tribute).  This version of her definitely had some memorable moments and some great foot related scenes.

Currently the New 52 series was the last ongoing series for Catwoman. She still has an important role in DC rebirth as a supporting character but has yet to get her own series. As you know though, Cats have Nine lives. I'm sure Selina will get her own series again in the future. :-)

Speaking of Nine lives... We are not done with the tributes for Catwoman yet. More versions of this villainess are still to come. 



  1. love the short hair design, and especially love the shots where she is fully covered but bare feet. dont know why thats so hot

    1. I like that too. My favorite is when the characters boots are in the side picture as well. It's like the girl just took them off. ^_^

  2. Replies
    1. Polish can be hit or miss depending on the fetishist.

  3. Oh wow long post. I have the comics for the first few parts. Also love the painted nails, fits Selina perfectly. Can't see her without polish XD.

    1. Yeah it was tough to figure out how to divide this one up. :-) I'm glad that she had so many scenes. I'm pro polish as well. I think it's nice when a women is paying extra attention to her feet. ^_^
