Monday, November 20, 2017

Nichijou: Nano Shinonome

A robot girl who was built by Hakase and lives with her and Sakamoto, acting as the matron of the house. Hakase is constantly upgrading her against her will, and Nano worries this will betray the fact that she is a robot, despite the presence of the obvious metal key in her back. Is 1 year old but designed as a 16 year old. Her toes can fire like missiles.


  1. Cute robot. She reminds me a little bit of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh but with shorter hair. Nice post Gumball.

  2. I love this show! Are you going to do the other girls?

    1. It’s been a while since we heard from you, as for the others IDK do you know the episodes where the others are barefoot ?

  3. That's gotta hurt on impact!

  4. This is taking "Toe jam" to a new level ^,^" How peculiar...
