Sunday, December 31, 2017

BECK Mongolian Chop Squad: Maho Minami

Ryuusuke's 14-year-old sister who is a talented singer with a strange relationship with Koyuki. At times she seems attracted to him; at others she brushes him off with little regard to his often ignored feelings.


  1. Never heard of this anime look okay :-)

    1. I just finished it for the second time a couple of weeks ago, it´s pretty good, is about a Yukio (The guy that is being kicked by Maho) and how music change his life.

  2. Replies
    1. I had too to avoid getting a strike

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You can get strikes on here?

      I've seen old post in the past where Butt's were shown, unless they've they've been taken down.

    4. Really i don't think i seen one like that on here.
      But that is depending i it's just a butt we all have one so there should not be a strike.

    5. I can't remember the names and I don't feel like going through a lot of old post, but the only names I remember is Launch/Lunch from Dragon Ball and the Redhead from Kimi no Journey.

    6. I see don't remember i have to check it out
