Thursday, December 7, 2017

Catwoman Megapost Part 10: Batman the Animated Series

Ok the next version of Catwoman up is her Batman the Animated series counterpart. 

While as far as I know Catwoman never went barefoot in the cartoon itself. We did get soon really good foot scenes of her in the comics they were based on. :-)
The Animated series came out around the time of Batman Returns and I'm sure that the character was influenced by Michelle Pfeiffer. She even has blonde hair. 😺
Batman the Animated series was immensely popular andWarner Bros would wind up releasing a Spin-off series called the New Batman Adventures. They gave a lot of the characters redesigned looks for it including Catwoman.
It's a very streamlined look and I liked her old look better, Her hair color under the mask is also different as well as shown below. 
The comics give this version of Catwoman a couple of kicks as well.
And she has a few trample scenes throughout the series. :-D
As Destiny Dueler pointed out she also has very small barefoot scene in the episode "Cult of the Cat".
(Various webfind comic book issues and caps of the character. Once again a big Thank you to Destiny Dueler for helping with this tribute.)

Bonus Fanart involving this version of Catwoman here:

Analysis: I actually really like the Batman the Animated Series version of Catwoman very much. She's probably my second favorite Catwoman after Julie Newmar. She's a playful thief and really flirts with Batman a lot in the show. Sometimes she even helps the Dark Knight out against other villains. The series makes a point of showing us that this Catwoman is intelligent. She plans her robberies very well and she's known to play mind games with the heroes she goes up against. (Batman warns Batgirl specifically about this in one episode.) You also get the sense that she became Catwoman for the thrill of it. She likes living dangerously. Often her robberies aren't so much for the money but more of a game for her. She does have a geniune affection for cats and donates a lot of money to protecting wildlife.

In terms of Catwoman's Batman New Adventures redesign. I like her animated series look a lot better. I think she looked pretty hot as a blonde. ^_^ We also get to see more of her face in her costume with the earlier animation.

Batman The Animated Series in general is an amazing series and one of the best adaptations of Batman out there. They really put a lot of work into the storylines and the series has some amazing voice acting. (Mark Hamill iconic portrayal of the Joker comes to mind.)  I probably say this every time I post a Character from this series on the site but I heavily recommend watching it.   

Some Trivia involving Catwoman Batman: TAS incarnation: 

1)This version of Catwoman is voiced by Adrienne Barbeau. 

2) Like a lot of the Batman the Animated series villains, this Catwoman has her own theme music

3) Selina also has a cute personal assistant named Maven in this series. Maven appeared in 3 episodes of the series and has a cameo in the recent Batman and Harley Quinn film.

4) The first Batman: TAS episode to air on television was a Catwoman centric episode called "The Cat and the Claw part 1". (The episode was a two parter and the second part of the episode aired the following week.) 

5) Catwoman's cat in the series is name Isis.  Isis would reappear in the Cartoon series "Krypto the Super Dog" as a recurring villain.  

Ok everyone the final Catwoman Megapost tribute will be posted tomorrow. 

Until Next Time!


  1. I always loved this version of Catwoman (before the redesign anyway). It's such a shame she never had any barefoot moments in the cartoon. :(

    1. Yeah I really wish she had barefoot moments in the Cartoon too. It would have been great if the Batman and Robin issue where Selina was showing off her painted toenails had been an actual episode.

  2. I didnt like her new Catwoman design, but loved her new Selina Kyle design

    1. :-) I think they were trying to make Selina look closer to her comic book counterpart.
