Saturday, December 2, 2017

Catwoman Megapost Part 5: Batman Year 1 Plus Animated Special

Continuing with the Catwoman tributes, here a tribute to her Batman Year One Incarnation.
If you're wondering why Selina has short hair in this. It is explained in the comic book that when she was taught to fight her instructor explained to her that long her was a weakness because it is too easily grabbable.  
In the Year One Animated Film, Catwoman was voiced by Eliza Dushku who is incredibly hot herself. I was tempted to post some pictures of Eliza this tribute but decided to save her for another set since there's another character that she is more famous for portraying. It is worth mentioning though that Eliza would reprise the role of Catwoman for a DC animated short centering on the character....
Catwoman Animated Short
The downside of the short is that Catwoman doesn't go barefoot in it. She does have some extremely sexy moments though including a really hot pole dance. The film itself is incredibly fun and Catwoman comes across as extremely sassy and hot in the film. It is a good watch and it is less than 15 minutes long so it is not a huge time commitment. In the film Catwoman is wearing a much more modern costume resembling her Gotham Sirens and New 52 look. :-) 

Comic Version of Year One
She's actually going up against Batman undercover.
Kick Count = 4.
(All these images are a combination of pictures from the Batman Year One, the DC Catwoman animated short and the original Catwoman Comic book mini-series Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper,)

Batman Year 1 is a very gritty take on the Dark Knight written by the Frank Miller (Sin City and the 300). It followed Bruce Wayne's first year of crime-fighting leading into him becoming the Batman. The series sets up Gotham as a heavily crime ridden and grim place. The police are heavily corrupt and crime is rampant. The mob basically controls the city. Selina's origin in this series reflects that darkness. She was originally a prostitute who got beaten up by her pimp. She takes Martial arts to defend herself and eventually uses her skills to become Catwoman. In Batman Year 1 we only get a couple of scenes involving Selina but she is given a mini-series that expands upon it. That mini-series is also the first series to feature Catwoman in the lead role

To be honest while I really liked Batman Year 1 a lot (The action and story was pretty compelling), The Catwoman mini-series itself felt a little bit too grim for me. Seeing Prostitutes get beaten was a little cringe-worthy and the wound up having a nun get kidnapped as well. It felt really dark. I'm also not really a fan of Selina having hair that short. That said... the are some exciting fights in the last two issues; the biggest is a Catwoman vs Batman fight in the  finale.

Since this tribute pretty much focuses on Batman Year One. I want to take the opportunity to review the film a bit. I read the comic book the film is based on so I'm very familiar with the Year 1 storylne. The film is a good adaptation and I think it is worth watching. A lot of the scenes from the comic are faithfully adapted to the screen. That said though, I still feel the comic version is a little bit richer and definitely recommend reading it over watching the film. Fans of the Year One storylne will still really enjoy it though. It has two heroes (one being Batman, the other being the Police Lieutenant James Gordon*) fighting an uphill battle against Gotham's Criminals with the odds stacked heavily against them. It is really exciting to see. :-)

Ok everyone... That's all for now. Still a lot more Catwoman to go. You'll definitely have more Catwoman feet than you can handle before this is over. 😸


*The story takes place before he becomes Commissioner. 


  1. Good post, but was never a big fan of that look of Selena. Not sure tbh, maybe the super short hair.

    1. Thanks. Yeah I agree. Her hair is just a little too short for my tastes too.

  2. Replies
    1. Frank Miller has a habit of making women prostitutes for some reason, most of the women he writes have some type of background like that or go through something similair. It varies from age to age and comic from comic with Selina, but Frank's Selina is a prostitute and later dies a Pimp (Not sure of the feminine term). He had some good work but he's gone a little batty (no pun intended) and his art style has fallen so badly.

    2. That sums it up really nicely. The flaws in Miller's later week is particularly apparent with All Stars Batman and Robin which is a shame because I really enjoyed Batman Year One and Sin City. The Dark Knight Returns was a good read as well.
