Monday, December 4, 2017

Catwoman Megapost Part 7 Movies: Anne Hathaway

Ok Last of the Catwoman Movie Incarnations... This one a Tribute to Anne Hathaway's  Catwoman from the Dark Knight Rises...
Once again I'm showing off the feet of the actress from the film since there weren't any barefoot moments with Catwoman this time around.
(More Webfinds and Foot shots from Wikifeet.)

Bonus Clips of Anne Barefoot:

Analysis: With the previous  incarnation of the feline themed  villainess still fresh in my mind, This is a great version of the character. Her costume is really nice. It reminds me a lot of Julie Newmar's while at the same time giving this Selina a much more modern look. The ears of her costume adapt to night vision goggles which she uses to assist with her cat burglary activities. Like previous incarnations of the character, this Catwoman's suit is form fitting showing off the shape of her body. The details of rubber material of her costume suggests that its a lot more protective than the apparent  lightness of her outfit would suggest. In contrast with Michelle Pfeiffer's stitched together costume, this Selina looks expensive. This film's Selina also has steel heels on her boots which she can easily adapt as a weapon. ^_^ 

This film's Catwoman isn't given an origin story which when you consider the ridiculous origins in her other films probably is for the best. All of Selina's character development comes with her interactions with Bruce Wayne. She still has a really huge amount of character growth as she changes from being a Cat Burglar only looking out for her own interests to something a little more heroic. There's also a romantic angle between her and Bruce Wayne in the film and the chemistry between them is strong enough that I was rooting for the two characters to get together  

I think Anne Hathaway played the part really well. When they originally announced she was going to play the role, I wasn't sure how she would do. She was definitely a versatile actress but her previous films the Princess Diaries and the Devil Wears Prada had her playing a much sweeter type of character. I wasn't sure that she could play villainess as convincingly and Catwoman is a lot more of a physical role than her previous work. Hathaway wound up doing an amazing job both physically and dramatically. Her Catwoman came off as complex having multiple layers. She has the mischievous and playful streak that I enjoy seeing in Selina but there were moments of seriousness to her character too. This Catwoman is faced with some tough choices where she has to decide between doing the right thing or looking out for her own self interests. She doesn't always make the right decisions but we can tell from the way that Hathaway portrays the character that each decision the character makes weighs heavily on her mind. Anne also trained very hard to be in shape for this role and it showed quite a bit. Her Selina moved with cat-like agility and demonstrated remarkable flexible. While Anne's Catwoman didn't do as many tumbling gymnastic flips as Michelle Pfeiffer's, the Dark Knight Rises' Catwoman still came off as a badass.  Anne did such a good job portraying this character, I found myself wanting to see more of her in the film. 😻

I really like the Dark Knight film trilogy in general very much and would really recommend it to people who hadn't seen it. The characters are very strongly developed and the storylines are well written. If you haven't seen them I recommend checking them. It's really a good adaptation for the Batman character.

Ok still some more versions of Catwoman left to tribute. I'll be back tomorrow.

Until Next time!


  1. Anne Hathaway does have nice feet.

  2. Very nice XD. Too bad she has a bad opinion on the foot fetish community because of a few freaks >.> who've bothered her.

    1. Thanks. I had to google to find out what her opinion was. ^_^; Yeah that really is a shame. She does have really nice feet though.

  3. The shape of her baresoles gives an indication that she goes barefoot regularly.The proof is the Fatty Padding developed under her feet.It doesn't develop unless you go barefoot very often. In most parts of the movie Love & other Drugs she's barefoot.I think she has taken the right decision to let her feet free of miserable footwear. Barefooting is the best favor you can do to your feet and soles.

  4. The secret behind the pretty feet and soles of Ann Hethaway is she has opted to go barefoot often. When you give your feet free movement they grow/ develop beautifully.
