Friday, December 15, 2017

Star Wars: Jori Daragon

In celebration of Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi, i’ll be posting two Star Wars Girls. Jori Daragon was a Human female, a native of Koros Major and a hyperspace explorer who lived circa 5,000 BBY. Although she and her brother, Gav Daragon, were somewhat Force-sensitive, they chose not to join the Jedi Order and remained untrained in the use of the Force. Following the death of her parents, she and Gav became indebted to Aarrba the Hutt. Running out of credits, the two took their ship, the Starbreaker 12, on one last expedition from the city of Cinnagar in hopes of repairing their finances by earning a commission from the Brotherhood of Navigators for finding new hyperlanes. The Daragons accidentally discovered a trail that took them to the Sith world of Korriban. They were imprisoned by the Sith and taken to the planet Ziost for interrogation.


  1. Did you read my comment on what i said about on old one i want to see

  2. Great Tie in with the movie Gumball. :-D Hoping to see the film myself this weekend. ^_^
