Wednesday, January 31, 2018

one of my top fav anime female characters tribute - Shimei Ryomou from Ikkitousen

just a tribute to one of my alltime fav anime characters, Shimei Ryomou from the Ikkitousen series :)

I was unsure whether or not to make this post as Ikkitousen is a rather ecchi series, I mean the female characters in it fight to the point their clothing is torn to shreds, but I'm sure there's been a few Ikkitousen posts shared to this blog before? Apologies in advance if any of the images are classed as inappropriate, I made sure there was none with any full nudity involved.

What I like most about Shimei Ryomou is that despite how tough she can be, her fighting style involves a lot of kicking as well as the scissor choke hold with her legs, deep down she has a shy and timid personality.


  1. I’m liking what I am seeing 🤤

  2. Replies
    1. yeah there's plenty of other characters :) if you have any requests I'd be happy to gather images for ya ;)

    2. Then please do Hakufuu in the future.

  3. This is better i love what i'm seeing more like this anime all the way.
    Great post Martin :-)

  4. Has anyone seen Gotham by Gaslight yet? Poison Ivy has a barefoot scene which focuses on her soles

    1. yeah I seen it recently :) while I wasn't too happy to Poison Ivy being reduced to a stripper/dancing performer role I did appreciate that she had a nice sole shot :)

    2. Can someone please look at my stuff please

  5. There were mega posts of all the characters from this series a long while back.

    I hope they're still up.

  6. I like her too, she a fine fighter girl.
