Saturday, March 3, 2018

DC Super Hero Girls: Batgirl

Earlier this year Flynn did a tribute to showcasing a teaser trailer for DC Super Hero girls season 4 which hinted at the possibility of a swimsuit episode for the series. The episode aired last week and as it turned out 8 of the female heroes in the series showed off their feet in it. In fact there was so much  superheroine foot content in the episode that I had a tough time deciding whether to divide up the material into several smaller sets or one megapost showcasing all of the girls at once. In the end what tipped the scales into was that this version of Batgirl had some great barefoot scenes in the show.
This DC Super Hero Girls Batgirl is incredibly cute but she hardly ever shows off her feet in the series. She wears her boots almost all the time and on the rare opportunity that we are lucky enough to see her with her boots off, she tends to be depicted wearing socks. The episode is actually the first time I saw this version of the character barefoot. Here's hoping that it is the start of a trend.
Just for fun an extra animation of her diving.
I made a higher quality version of the above animation available at Foot Notes here.
In addition to that here are some additional images showing Batgirl kicking back and relaxing from the Comic Book based on the show.
Similar to Monster High. DC Super Hero Girls has a line of doll toys marketed for fans of the series.

My friend Stefan pointed out that the footwear for a lot of the dolls in this line are removable.
It wasn't easy to find images verifying this online but after doing some searching  I was able to confirm that Batgirl is one of the dolls which allows you to do this.
Her feet are actually really detailed.
These images come from a site called Christina Articulates where you can find a much more in depth review of  the dolls in this line. ^_^
Ok... I also want to share some images from an online Dress up Game involving this version of Batgirl.
This one allows you to customize her footwear among other things. ^_^
The game itself is available to play here.

(All of the images in this tribute are a combination of caps from the Season 4x6 Episode Fish out of Water Part 2. Massive Thank yous to both Flynn Mars and JTurner for recommending this episode and Stefan for recommending the doll.)

Ok let's talk about this version of Batgirl for a little bit. If you set aside the fact that this version of Barbara is a Teenager going to a High School for Super Heroes, the DC Super Hero Girls Batgirl is very similar to her comic book counterpart. She is intelligent, a tech wizard, skilled at martial arts and great detective skills and a photographic memory. She is best friends with Supergirl who was the one who convinced Barbara to become a heroine.

Batgirl's costume in this is really cute. It has sort of a hoodie look combined with high tech gadgets such as bat wings allowing the heroine to glide and fly. The doll version of her shows that her jacket has a bit of circuitry built into it which plays into Barbara's computer skill. Of the characters in the series, I think I like Batgirl's design the best. Bits and pieces of it remind me of other versions of her. For example she has her new 52 incarnation's yellow boots. The mask that she wears adds some mystery to her. She looks really cool.

Alright everyone. As mentioned this episode had several heroines in the series go barefoot so there are quite a few DC Super Hero Girls posts to come in the near future.

On that note... more to come soon!


  1. rare to see a dress game where you get to see her soles

    1. Yeah I think the image that the model for this game was using was an image of batgirl in the middle of running. They got her in just the right motion to be lifting her sole off the ground.

  2. Nice underwater feet 👣 BatGirl
