Friday, March 2, 2018

Resident Evil: Rebecca Chambers

Ok today's post is a tribute to Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil. Rebecca has some barefoot scenes in the movie Resident Evil Vendetta. 
(A Massive Thank you to thebrickmaster96 for sending these images in. :-D)

A extended version of the Animated Gif above is available here:

Like the main characters of the series Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, Rebecca worked as one of the members of the S.T.A.R.S (Strategic Tactics and Rescue Service) division of the Raccoon City Police Department. In the first Resident Evil game she was a supporting character who assisted Chris investigating the mysterious outbreak at the mansion during certain segments of the game. She proved to be a popular and would later take on the lead in the prequel game Resident Evil Zero.

Rebecca is really intelligent. She graduated college with medical and chemistry degrees at 18 years old. She's a rookie police officer in the first game with the mansion investigation being her first big mission on the S.T.A.R.S. team. Rebecca is one of the sweeter women in the games. She's very kindhearted and helpful. As a player, you definitely want to look after her in the games she's involved in.

These caps are really an amazing find on Brickmaster's part. With the exception of Alexia and Manuela, Resident Evil women tend to wear their shoes a lot. The S.T.A.R.S. women in particular are known for wearing boots as part of their outfits and Rebecca wasn't given a lot of screen time in comparison with the other female leads so it made the chances of seeing her feet even less likely. I've been waiting to see this character barefoot for a long time. It's great to be able to check this character off my wish list.

Ok everyone that will do it for now. As alway though... more to come soon!


  1. This movie was ridiculously silly but fun. And it was great to see Rebecca again. :)

    1. Haven't gotten a chance to see this one myself yet. :-D It seems like a fun film. Definitely visually beautiful.

  2. I'm watching this literally as I type this lol
