Friday, March 23, 2018

Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale: Asuna Yuuki

You probably know Asuna by now but I decided to do the movie version of her. This is my first time doing a follow-up of an old character. I had also seen the movie on Christmas last year and it was pretty good.


  1. Word of advice we’re not allowed to show private areas such as the buttocks, cleavage or down there otherwise Blogger might kick you out. Also I wouldn’t recommend posting more than one post since there’s only so much foot scenes in the world it’s best to do one a day. You can do as you please but I’m just throwing my 2¢ worth

    1. That's dumb, I thought they fixed that rule last year one of you told the one charge about us all having butts and cleavages being no big deal.

      Guess it wasn't resolved fully.Idk

    2. Sorry about that, I was trying not to show any nudity but her feet shown up during her butt scene. How can I censor them?

    3. Save the image on Microsoft paint and make a censor bar

    4. Also, this isn't even a kids website, I understand not having complete nudity, but partial shouldn't be a big deal.

      And some of the past blogs have shown cleavages.

      Okay, done complaining, not my blog,nor am I member, and they have their reasons, I suppose.

  2. Nice post Custom. I had to edit a little because Gumball is right about the nudity. It's more of a safety precaution so the site doesn't get shut down. Still really love this post though. Thank you so much for making it. :-)

    1. Sorry about that. I wished that restriction wasn't so heavy. I didn't want to show her private body parts but her feet.

    2. Oh, now I see why they don't do that anymore, I take it you guys got reported in the past.

    3. @Chris yeah... better to err on the side of caution for now.

      @Custom that's all right. This one was a borderline one that I just moved into safety territory. Most of the time the scenes are much more easy to distinguish. It's only the occasional bath scene that that might have to be edited if the character show a little bit too much.

      It's a good post though... Thank you for making it. :-)

    4. You're welcome. Some bath scenes are hard to edit out without the censor fog. I mean, not only you can't see the nudity of the girls but their feet would be blocked as well.

    5. ^_^ Yeah fog blocking the feet two can be really frustrating. Sometimes it helps us though since they already do the censoring for us. One thing I love about bath scenes though is that they often tend to be a good source for foot moments because the animators would usually give us a barefoot closeup in lieu of nudity.

  3. This scene from the movie was so gorgeous that it was a bit tough to ignore.

  4. who is the girl with the orange hair in the second picture

  5. who is the girl with the orange hair
