Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Final Fantasy XV: Shiva

Shiva, also known as the Glacian, is an Astral in Final Fantasy XV. She is one of the Six and is the Astral that most resembles a human. She is the most friendly and compassionate of the Six, and is a Messenger of the gods to mortals. Prince Noctis forges a pact with Shiva in Chapter 12. Shiva is the fondest of mortals out of all the Astrals. She was not always this way however, and used to dislike humans for the fleeting nature of their lives, and how they cling to hopes and dreams. Witnessing compassion and benevolence in others is said to have warmed her heart.


  1. I remember playing this game and finished it. It was my first Final Fantasy game I ever finished. It was cool.

    1. Um...that’s bad dude really bad your missing out.

    2. What am I missing out, Keychan64? I thought I'm not missing much of these JRPGs.

  2. I woundent mind my tongue getting stuck to her icy feet. Would mind the freezer burns eaither lol

  3. I'd like to point out how the Shiva from FFX is able to used her sexy icy feet to attack her foes (literal spinning kick). yeah thats one complete vibe from this character I'd love.

    1. I don't know much on Final Fantasy in general.
