Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Magic Knight Rayearth: Presea

She's the highest skilled blacksmith in Cephiro, she has an crush on Clef, who was once her teacher in the past before Zagato's attack on Cephiro. She has an insane side when it comes to punish others after messing with her like Mokona.  She later aided the Magic Knights by making their legendary swords from the mineral called escudo during the battle against Ascot's beast summons. Her favorite food is V-tek, a odd of hard candy from Cephiro even though she enjoys the candy from Earth that Hikaru gives her as payment for using her weapons. This dance scene is from episode 6.


  1. Nice post
    I think there's a game of this anime.

    1. Yes, there is. It was for the Sega Saturn released in 1995, based on the first season of the anime.

  2. I remember this anime, she was pretty.

    1. I never heard of this anime before until now.

    2. That's what I'm going to do as soon as I finish the first season.
